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wings + horns cowichans


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Back in 2000, we did a bunch of traditional handknit Cowichans sweaters as part of a collaborative project with graffiti artists. I thought I'd present it here and get some feedback 6 years later.

The initial catalogue pages for these sweaters are here: 1 2 3



The Anonymous - Zeus and Invader




PERKS (of Perks and Mini)



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Thanks for all the responses so far!

They went for $300 to $400 in 2000 when they were released, as part of a touring show in BEAMS in Japan, Colette in Paris, and I think aLife in the US. It's a little pricey, but they are hand knitted and hand knotted, wearable art pieces.

The garments themselves are a little bulky, but definately wearable. They're made from new 100% virgin wool yarns that have been custom-stranded so that they're denser than typical cowichans.

I suppose the sweaters themselves are much more of a street wear item as opposed to a 'fashion' item, and the people who really appreciate them are those who are aware of, and understand the significance of the artists. I've done a quick google skim to see if I can come up with what these guys are doing these days, but 6 years is a long time, especially for graffiti artists.


- this is just Invader. I can't seem to find Zeus' stuff anywhere online anymore, which is a shame. He did some amazing stuff.



- though they're more of a clothing line these days.


Anyhow, I started this thread to see what interest there was in Art-driven cowichan sweaters. It's just such a juxtaposition in a way, yet at the same time, Mary Maxim and those picture sweaters of the '50s and '60s enjoyed a long heyday.

That said, we have a small stock of these sweaters left over and gathering dust. I'll post up sizes and availability in Supermarket in the next day or so. Just to flush them out, we'll be selling them for $180 including shipping via post to North America.


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