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Lil B 'The BasedGod' - #RARE #BASED THREAD


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honestly i expected more of you dum. you seem to be on some at least DECENT hip hop regularly.

really thought am i missing something ? all i hear is shit music and huge internet hypes

I don't know man. I liked Lil B the first time someone showed me a video a few years ago. I never did really like The Pack though.

It seems most people seem to not like it and then they have to have some sort of epiphany. Then, they turn to praising basedgod, but none of that really happened to me. I never disliked the music nor do I love it as much as them I guess.

Lil B is just an awesome dude though and that makes me like the music that much more.

If you don't like it, fuck it. No sense in explaining shit, it takes the fun out of it.

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you guys just pretend to like his music as a joke right? noone actually sits down & listens to his music...right?

its utter shit. off beat, monotone rapping. its just sooo bad. lol.

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you guys just pretend to like his music as a joke right? noone actually sits down & listens to his music...right?

its utter shit. off beat, monotone rapping. its just sooo bad. lol.

...coming from someone who makes the shittiest of "filth" dubstep


really thought am i missing something ? all i hear is shit music and huge internet hypes

the fact that this alone can cause an artist like lil b to now be working with lil wayne and have an article in xxl is really worth something. its not like hip hop was this sacred thing that he came and stomped all over. hes just doing whatever he wants and eventually if you open yourself up to it you realize its fun, enjoyable and uplifting.

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the fact that this alone can cause an artist like lil b to now be working with lil wayne and have an article in xxl is really worth something. its not like hip hop was this sacred thing that he came and stomped all over. hes just doing whatever he wants and eventually if you open yourself up to it you realize its fun, enjoyable and uplifting.

mehhhh lil wayne isnt the same since he got out the slammer. and im pretty sure xxl has done articles on kat stacks so thats whatever too.

i get that hes doing whatever he wants, and im all for it. but dont most rappers do that? currensy pushed his own shit without a label for years and at least he could rhyme/ have good flow. i used to be into the "do whatever as long as you get known/ make money" shit but i guess now id rather see people doing shit thats worth a damn. something theyre proud of. i honestly dont think lil b listens to his music and thinks "wow that was really good" actually i doubt he listens to his shit at all. just records and uploads.

and i will say it REALLY sucks that the internet has turned into a place where if someone doesnt agree you're "hating" or talking shit. everyone thinks their opinion is the only thing that matters, and if a bunch of people agree then they must really be right.

eh fuck it. im sure ill just get negrepped more so ill leave this shit alone.

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for real du. you come into this threak just to shit on it. try it in another threak and you'll get the same response. why you hating on du' making money? soulja boy sucks but he's making money.

thanks for your educated reply. i appreciate the effort.


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Yeah, Clammy Clams is releasing an EP of instrumentals on June 27th. It's called Rainforest EP

http://soundcloud.com/clammyclams/sets/rainforest-ep/ :D

i wanna hear someone rap over Waterfalls and Gorilla

and yes keyboard kid is one of his main producers at some point. idk how but du is following me on tumblr lol


i never really fucked with any other mixtapp other than B's official ones along with the first few Scripture from BasedGod tapps. those ones are really good

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