01 | superfuture started in 1999. how old were you then?
In 99 I was 18, I wore black oversized BDUs and black hoody most of the time, spending time with my skate crew and listening to french rap.
02 | how did you first discover sufu?
When I first dicovered sufu, the website was not accepting any new users so I had to wait some time to get my login credentials. Even when I grind the supertechwear all the time, the thing that brought me here was one of the early denim world tours.
03 | there are plenty of shopping experts on supertalk. what's your specialty? are you a pro?
Not an expert at all, I miss a lot of times and have to go through a return process quite often.
04 | reputation is everything in an online community. how's yours going? do you ever get neg repped?
Reputation is everything! I think I am going pretty good, but note that I post in supertechwear exclusively, I bet I will get more negreps if I posted in the main WAYWT or some other topics I do not even understand what they are about.
05 | online forums are all about the members, threads and posts. who and what keeps you addicted?
Even when people are creating discord, facebook, skype, whatsapp groups, superfuture will always be the best place to discuss techwear. Most people participating in the new media are noobs who just jumped on the trend and have zero authenticity and knowledge.
06 | supertalkers are based all over the planet. have you met any IRL?
I met Polaris, supertalkers are rare in Czech republic. I know there are others but since we share interest we met. So shout out to sufuers in here/visiting Prague, let me know if you want to meet fellow deckers.
07 | are you fast and furious / slow chilled and controlled / or bitter and twisted?
fast and controlled and twisted
08 | the internet is full of crap. with over 3.2 million posts since 2003 has supertalk been a credible contributor or a major culprit?
As I mentioned earlier there are some OG posts I do not understand at all, but overall there is less shitpost than on the new media. I like to check all the conversation in topics I follow and with sufu it's doable, compared to the new media.
09 | if supertalk got accidentally deleted would you be devastated or relieved?
Hard to tell. I'd like to think I would be neutral about it, but I met some good online buddies here, had fun, gained knowledge and build my reputation empire. It would be a huge loss. WTB: superfuture x loopwheeler t-shirt (L/XL) so I have a souvenir.
10 | if you could nominate another superstar who would it be?
published 29/05/2017