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Posts posted by KMRGR

  1. 1 hour ago, mikon_nikon said:

    a first world gripe if there ever was one...

    J68-PL owners: are any of you experiencing a minor but annoying 'snag' or 'catch' when removing your hands from the jacket pockets? the cuff tightener on the jacket has c.5mm of fabric that doesn't have velcro on it, so doesn't fasten neatly at the end. and it catches every. damn. time. I remove my hands from the jacket pockets. it actually makes it reasonably difficult to remove my hands on occasion. ha.

    maybe I need to buy some gloves... or maybe I need lower expectations... but as a guy who cycles pretty much everywhere - and needs to access pockets on the move - it's actually weirdly dangerous :wacko:

    I don't own J68 so can't comment on that jacket. But I have the same issue with J47 when I take my hands out of the pockets - there's a slight snag on the way out because the zipper isn't sewn completely on the edges and it interacts with the sleeve velcro. First world problem, but problem nonetheless! J1A has no issues though cause the zipper is sewn on the edges.


    To chime in on the MiC conversation - The zipper track on my J1A 2.2 was all dinged up and jagged (as if they used a zipper that was rejected and didn't pass QC) when I received it brand new.  Didn't want to make a big fuss about it at the time. But figured I'd add my experiences into the mix..

  2. That's too bad about SSENSE, cause they're otherwise a top notch retailer with great customer service.

    If ordering from Canada, Haven is good at shipping full pack with bag and spec sheet. Not sure about ANNMS Shop - curious if anyone ordered from them and received full pack?

  3. Can anyone share experiences/pics of their used J1A-GTV or J66-GTV? Curious how they've aged given the raw seams and safety vest colour.

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