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Punch last won the day on September 25 2023

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About Punch

  • Birthday 01/04/1964

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  • denim
    size 34
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    us 9 uk 8.5 eu 43 jp 27

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  1. Owner Redcloud overall MFG Co. has launched a new RueBlue line. You can find it on the international website. The price tag, of course, is quite serious. But my friend worked in China and agreed to bring me jeans. Like in the good old Soviet times. )) But he has an ambush with a length along the inner seam. Everything is around 30-31." I found only one pair of jeans with a length of 81.5 cm in the measuring tables. https://www.redcloudoverall.com/products/rc-240b-rueblue-tapered-denim-jeans-black Yes, there were W33-34s in the search. We bought it through TaoBao and they cost me 80 dollars cheaper. I don't understand why they were called skinnies. They are very similar in measurements to DENIME 66, in W32. And the back rise is a couple of centimeters longer. The length is at the limit, but I liked the pants so much. It is better to look at photos of the parts on the site, I will not do it better. As for landing, please. I apologize for the white tiles, but this is not a morgue, at least. ))
  2. Punch


    I like how these pants age. And in the heat, they are much more comfortable than jeans.
  3. No denim today. But these cargo pants are made by Yamane. Obviously, the prototype was the flight equipment suit of the OG-107 era.
  4. Take a look here https://lenoandco.com/products/list.php?category_id=6
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