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Posts posted by nodre

  1. 5 hours ago, DROVES said:

    Does anyone know if(and which) stockists will carry the RAF J68-PL? I haven’t seen it previewed by any shops yet personally, so just curious if it’s a mothership fight. Need to sell some things, but a RAF jacket is on the bucket list for me


  2. 23 hours ago, Orientalq said:

    how people are +repping this low effort "stfu" post? Not the first time it's happened here with people just low-effort name-call or attack the character of those they don't agree with using "memes". If he's wrong, tell him why. If you don't want to, you don't have to. But how does "stfu" help at all?

    this is the real reason to stfu. i was fooling myself thinking anyone here cares to really put some thought and care into a discussion that i personally find extremely relevant to the audience participating in things that trend. its much easier to cop out and be "more acrnm than human"

  3. On 8/11/2020 at 2:42 AM, erictheninja said:

    1. you're attempting to sound really smart, but you are really just having a circular conversation with yourself and some projected persona / idea of who you think I am, which honestly sounds really insecure

    2. really not sure what you are trying to say with the john mayer part tbh, was purely using him for the sake of a music analogy. I make a second living in music and mayer was a big part of me getting good enough at music at a young age to do so now. not sure what's sus about being a hardcore fan of mayer, any music, or  literally any thing. 

    3. I wrote a completely personal anecdote and stated it as so and you were triggered enough by it to write a complete assessment based on assumptions. i mean this in the most polite and objective way but, that's honestly a super embarrassing level of grade A entitlement, like you are a shining exemplary of what i would like to disassociate with tbh. though you may not be posting WTB: EVERYONE ELSE'S grails. you sound like a underleveled person in many other ways / your view of self importance is quite akin to those other "laymans" as you refer. 

    4. for someone who references the buddha, you don't seem to know much about him as you reek of self centricity, just my opinion 


    i'm entitled to an opinion like everyone else on here, and i stand by everything i said.. i've played worse odds than the probability of making a relatively accurate assumption based on an honest anecdote.

    i agree that this has devolved, and you're right i went off and it wasn't warranted. it was indulgent.

    sincere apologies Eric, good luck on whatever wave you ride next ~

    my apologies to you kings who wasted your time reading my post 


    "the poet must not avert his eyes"

  4. On 5/26/2020 at 11:36 PM, erictheninja said:

    personal anecdote as someone whose "ditching" their whole collection. 

    my reason is simply because the majority of the fanbase has become mindless clout chasers vs true enthusiasts that care about art and design. 

    back in the late 2000s supreme / visvim / acr were all in my wheel house, leaning more weightily on supreme.

    Aside from of course the common idea that you age and your tastes change etc, I ditched supreme completely in 2013, the "fanbase" was becoming something i definitely didn't want to associate my self with.

    Similar to acr i feel predominantly the audience is just clout-chasing hypebeasts at this point. It's sad because the music is great. but to make a music analogy to this.

    I have been a hardcore fan of John Mayer since the early 2000s, now imagine if all of a sudden the majority of mayer fans at a concert only know him based on his recent Instagram persona. You attend a John Mayer concert and 4/5 people around you aren't even listening to the music. they are drunk af. talking loudly taking selfies with the flash on obnoxiously. posting to their stories every 45 secs. that's what acr has felt like for the last couple years to me. 

    I have just gone deeper and deeper into visvim over the years as I feel like it has never been subject to anything remotely similar. some of the shoes (fbts) were subject to some of this vain attention for sure, but the facts are that fuccbois aren't going to drop 2.5k on a jacket that they can buy some copy cat version of at a zara. the fanbase feels majority enthusiasts of art.

    I think i saw some dude post on the fb group the other month like "So please tell me alll the ACR grails" , then the next day made a WTB post of everyone's responses "WTB 47a 43a j28-k all colors" that type of shit. like tf kinda mentality is that. consumption isn't even for yourself if that's how your brain works. you are dictated by whatever status you can potentially gain, not your soul. trash. 

    And when you think about people who listen to music in that very way. well they are the one's hopped up on whatever substance they can find, busy telling everyone on the internet what concert they're at, being obnoxious af ruining everyone else's time. 

    points taken and certainly i understand your feelings. but i'll say what i said in an earlier post - the garments are hollow, the people who wear them are what's interesting. are you no longer interesting? were you ever? or are you a serial ship-jumper like with supreme in 2013 and god-who-knows how many other trends before your property had potential to hold water just by investing?

    you're using the transitive property when it really doesn't make sense. are your creative and expressive sensibilities changing? perhaps, and that is completely valid. but to change your taste based on the "public reception" (lest we forget despite the production #'s acronym are so low "public" is really a misnomer here) is shallow. i can't tell if you're just making a racket for the sake of the resonance.

    of course the members of an enthusiast forum don't want to associate with the layman just because they are holding the same thing. of course such an opinion is bound to strike a chord - in fact it is probably healthy to be reminded from time to time. but woe be the "enthusiast" that soapboxes mainstream rejection as novel. don't cut of your nose to spite your face sir. your rep signals for reservations regarding your loyalty. 

    less objective personal conjecture:
    anyone to just come out and say they're a die hard john mayer fan is sus in my book. john is the reason i put serious hours into the guitar, john introduced me to great things and remains relevant to my interests. but one thing i would never say outright is "i am a hardcore john mayer fan". is his taste (good and bad) not well known? hodinkee literally keeps him on the masthead 25/8.

    your lamentation is like a monk saying "i don't know what all the villagers at the base of our mountain are doing, but if my lifestyle wasn't enough to signal my devotion let me say this brethren: i am a hardcore fan of the buddha". i'm not convinced you weren't a bad apple from the get. 

    and yes, i realize the irony that i likened JM to a heady buddha. just trying to illustrate a point.

  5. 6 hours ago, ray. said:


    I understand there's some contention in this thread with people who upsize when their size is sold out.

    My question might've suggested that, hence my downvote and your upvotes.

    I can't tell if you're being sanctimonious so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and explain myself:

    I sized by my shoulder width which the jacket fits. Unfortunately I have short limbs and this is a problem I have with jackets, shirts, and pants—they're almost always too long and require altering. Also why I like the P30 and am wary of the P10.

    And @brainerd666 you made an absolutely useless contribution with your downvote. Good luck with your life.

    based on how this thread has been flooded with the wrong types of new "enthusiasts" in the past year, i will concede that i took you for a something of the sort. having said that, your problem is certainly not a common one and i apologize for the curt response. having unusual proportions sounds like a discouraging challenge. if i were you i would weigh my options and decide on size based on priorities:

    does the smaller size restrict range of motion?

    is the bunching of the fabric bad enough to warrant measures as "drastic" as alteration or sizing up?

    i would look into jackets cut in your favor to at least find a better balance. J16 has very roomy shoulders and chest, might suit you better. also not that this is a reasonable suggestion (or new information to you) but buying without first trying on is forever working against you - especially with final sale policies on acr across the board barring the mothership. so perhaps with some guidance from this poised community you will become a more savvy/informed acr consumer leaving as little room for error as possible.

    i recommend swallowing COD if you must have pieces and buy from mama with confidence and peace of mind with 14 days. 

  6. 4 hours ago, ray. said:

    Question for all: How do you wear your sleeves if they're too long? Mine goes past my thumbs. I tried tightening the cuffs but it just causes some uncomfortable bunching. I'm currently cuffing the sleeves once.

    this issue is usually sorted by buying the correct size in the first place

  7. 4 hours ago, SuE said:

    On the other hand is it really sustainable to ship a jacket halfway around the world just to fix a minor issue?

    point taken, but @henrisan says very clearly they're in berlin.. if that's true its borderline offensive to not offer on site repair.

  8. 7 hours ago, dixonschneider said:

    Yeah i know, upscaling seems to be hard for the brand, but you have to support your customer base, and basically denying service on products with the current pricing is just unacceptable. Especially if you praise sustainability as E is doing it right now with the so called "rep-iteration".

    i just think this needs to be echoed. some things are to be expected of the mother - like infrastructure. if I pay $2k for a shell, i'd hope the people that made it love as much if not more than me. to not accept repairs (especially when preaching sustainability etc) is.. counter intuitive.

  9. i'm shopping for moto gear, and i'm finding it increasingly ironic how much inspiration some ACR stuff gets from that realm but the functionality of the pants and jackets is largely limited to urban commuter. would be nice to see functionality taken to the next level; not just made for walking. i might wear some armor under my bulkier pants like p24, but for the most part these pieces are aching for cordura, leather, and accommodating armor inserts. also would fill a nice gap in the market because unless you're sacrificing protection, proper "cool" riding gear doesn't exist. all very heavily branded and function obvious. 

  10. 23 hours ago, outbrk said:

    A friend just got these and isn't sure if they are legit. I know there are pretty good fakes out there now so any one have any idea?
    Size tag looks off and the care tag has misspelt words which leads me to believe they are fake but just wanted to get a second opinion/s to confirm (as the person he got it from insists they are legit).


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    comparable photos of my beloved real deals below. pretty obviously fake once you examine the details.









    EDIT: i feel like this thread is a pretty safe space, but if anyone thinks that posting details of legitimate garments on here is a bad idea so as to protect said details from being seen by untrustworthy eyes.. please let me know and i will take them down. i do not want to unknowingly contribute to the accuracy of the counterfeit industry.

  11. 1 hour ago, jeddyhsu said:

    V happy with the j65-km, not at all uncomfortable and it's probably the most cozy article of garment I own. While I agree it's bulky underneath a shell, it looks great on top and worn as a outer over a long sleeve. It also has quite a bit of stretch, something I didn't expect from such a thick cut of Merino wool. 

    i would like to echo this sentiment, the merino is special. cozy and has natural stretch. i have fallen asleep in it more than once. really love it when acr works with organic textiles. this is such a lovely intersection of proven materials and forward thinking pattern engineering. god i love this thing. 

    Didn't wanna repost pic i posted a couple weeks ago. included one more recent pic and one bonus - apple store employee asked to sketch me on an ipad. he liked the garms but apparently didn't like my face.



  12. On 11/29/2019 at 8:06 AM, daniel said:

    any impression on the H5–AJ Air Jet Wool Hat yet, thanks for any comment!

    warm, light, beautiful weave pattern. one size might be an issue, i know it was for a friend of mine. not keen on how umites is wearing it on mothersite, on my head its that shallow fisherman hat fit that i was looking for when fully pulled down. 

    it likes to fray, keep depiller on hand and give it a good once over from time to time depending on how much head time it gets. great hat. $300 hat? no chance. but we're not here because of that. 

  13. 16 hours ago, wexler said:

    Which piece? The knit/wool pieces haven't came in the typical zip lock bags.




    17 hours ago, emenel said:

    To be clear - I’m not defending them or denying your experience. That sucks.

    did you contact them about it?

    no, what are they gonna do? they didn't care in the first place.

  14. Just now, emenel said:

    I’ve always received the spec sheet and “official” ziploc from Haven along with their own branded baggie. But I’ve only bought from them in person at the store, so can’t comment on their mail order system.

    after a 4 day handling period and two day transit period (transit was quick.. just took them 4 days to actually send it) to receive a retail ACR product in a large haven bag (to better accommodate the piece?) stuffed into a small box (then why the larger bag?) with a crinkled spec sheet.. i take issue with the whole transaction. not the kind of service (lack thereof) i'd expect after spending $900. AITA here? service was shit. 

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