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  1. my hot take is that the newer j28 is actually great, I just switch out the hat-hood for a regular hood from a different shell. the pattern is one of the least restrictive of any shells they've made (that's not -W and doesn't look like a garbage bag) because it's basically a single piece of fabric from back to the front of the chest I've also actually found use for the new storm collar where it's sometimes faster to just zip up the main front and snap the collar closed instead of fiddling with the neck zipper
  2. I like both WS and PX fabrics, but agreed would like to see more PX. Alpha and Primaloft are not really comparable – primaloft is significantly warmer at the weight Acronym is using. Even though it's not as warm, the white J74 is probably my most worn Acronym jacket over the years. It's so easy to layer with.
  3. Hard pass on black LA10, but was hoping for a white version! Clothes fitting tighter on E with every drop.
  4. Dream jacket is J47 with removable hood and the new-gen fold down collar.
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