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desolate last won the day on October 16 2020

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  1. That's an amazing collection Julian - looks fantastic I am having a clear out and I've got 4 pairs of Tender Trousers that are either unworn or extremely lightly worn I thought I'd offer them here first Type 133 dark green canvas size 6 Type 132 denim size 5 Edited as not sure these are logwood now I have looked again so will revert. Type 132 Denim (woad) size 4 Type 132 Unborn denim - not washed or soaked at all - size 6 I am in the UK and open to reasonable offers. If a for sale post isn't appropriate I apologise and will get myself to ebay!
  2. Many years ago Tender produced some T-shirts with designs by (I think) Dorrit Dekk - they are a particular favourite of mine. does anyone know if it's possible to buy prints of the designs (or if there is some old stock lying around @rodeo bill)?
  3. Yes - the UK's loss is America's gain. Hope a UK stockist comes on board with a wider range of goods. And obviously wish @rodeo bill success with the move.
  4. Just spotted that Tender are moving to the USA next month. Is this a permanent move, or just for the summer?
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