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Posts posted by Quoise1203

  1. You're a brave man.  Quoise, could I get some closeups of the denim and the back pocket areas? Damn you have me stoked for mine.  They're going to be perfect.  


    The truly brave are those who choose to spend their lives without roy denim

  2. I see you got the arrowhead pop-over. Looks good, man. If you're ever in NY, come see me at The Liquor Store.


    I picked up this shirt the other day as well.  It's my first attempt at wearing a "popover".  I love how it looks, but I realize now why this button configuration is normally only used on stretchier fabrics (e.g. polos); it is basically impossible to slip it on and off over my shoulders without some contortionist maneuvers.  It fits great when I finally get it on, but ingress and egress is challenging.  


    Is this the case with all popover style shirts made of traditional oxford type fabrics?

  3. I live quite close to you, as I can see the buildings in the background of your picture when I look out my window.  I live just south of metropoliton near the BQE.  I'll be looking for those bybeatles around the neighborhood!

  4. I'm in the opposite boat, unfortunately.  Some nagging injuries have miraculously gone away and I've been running a lot more as a result.  I've also stopped drinking so much goddamn beer (not sure if this will stick), and now my RS04s are about an inch and a half too big in the waist.  I'm still wearing them though.


    The good news is I just may be able to fit into a size 31 Fullcount 0105, which pretty much have my ideal measurements everywhere but the waist  :D

  5. My girlfriend (as with many I'm sure) thinks my obsession with denim is crazy, and she doesn't understand how I could find such a stiff, rough garment comfortable.  She felt my roys the other day while I was wearing them and thought I had gotten a new pair of non-raw denim because they were so soft!


    w.r.t. fades, mine showed signs of fading for many months before the fades were obvious.  Patience will be rewarded!

  6. Blue in Green has brought back the Wrangler repro Jin, this time in the 17oz LHT grey weft denim instead of the super slubby stuff on the last run!




    Very tempting.


    Though it's not the same denim, you can search for Casper's(?) old pair of these and see some of the most amazing jeans ever worn.

  7. There was a thread bumped up a week or two ago where the thread starter documented his attempt atmaking a similar oil/wax combination used by barbour/belstaff/filson and applying it to a denim chorecoat. The results looked pretty good, but he hasn't updated the thread in five years. Might be worth a shot if you aren't afraid of ruining the item.

  8. Ah, the sweet look of fresh roy/cone denim. Your post brings back fond memories of when my pair was new and I was discovering all of the cool little details.

    As far as the knees go If you soaked every time you had knee bags you'd be soaking every day for a few months. If you hadn't said anything I wouldn't even have noticed. I say just let it settle on its own

  9. The first few times (including the initial "soak") I did a full hot wash (no spin cycle). I think that pretty much got all of the shrink out of them, and they shrunk about to tag size. Since then I've been putting them in the dryer as well.

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