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Posts posted by vgadjo

  1. Thanks!


    Bonus. Usually not a WAYW man but as I happen to have one recent pic.


    Here they are worn with a UES belt and a UES flannel shirt. I was not super interested in the whole 'apples history'.



  2. Some impressive stuff in the 24oz versions here. Congrats.


    Type: XX-005

    Worn for: 4 years, probably 14-16 months of actual wear

    Washes: 8-9, first one around 6 months


    The most interesting evo on this pair is the denim yarns that begun 'rising' after last wash. It gives even more character to such a slubby denim.


    Pics are true to actual colors.














  3. No love for momos for the past two weeks? Come on.


    Type: ER-007-2B

    Worn for: 2 years, probably 8-9 months of effective wear

    Washes: Four, first one around 5 months


    A bit scared after seeing the crotch threads falling apart after only a couple days in, they were reinforced a bit and have held very well well until now. There aren't any signs of denim weakness anywhere.


    Though the combs aren't very impressive, the water ripple effect of blue on blue is something I like.


    Those are very true to actual colors.

















  4. Pieces: OGL Jane Natural Wallet + Red's Leather rein


    Worn: 1 year and a half for the wallet, a couple months for the rein


    Origin: Singapore for OGL. France for the rein, more specifically Angers.



    Both the wallet and rein start showing wear.


    Close-up on the rein:


    All brass parts from Japan. It will age providing some vert-de-gris.



    The chain comes from Poursin, one of the oldest saddlery maker in Paris. It's brass too.


    The rein was bought at T-Bird Paris, a place you don't want to miss if you visit the city.




  5. Though I understand some of you were a bit annoyed by the previous 3 pages, I'd like to thank everyone for the rants/philosophy/explanations. It was very interesting.


    I hope the following question will have a few simple answers. Style apart, what's justifying the 300$ price difference between a pair of Viberg Service boots and a pair of AE Dalton Wingtip boots?


    A major construction enhancement? Leather quality? Hype?

  6. Hi dear SG experts,


    I'm hesitating between a pair of pbj with the 011 cut, such as the 017 or the new pop up ones and a pair of the very interesting SG5109.


    II'm looking for a slimmer pair than my pbj-005. I can see a lot of different measures and I'm not sure what to believe. So how are the knees and especially the leg opening on XXX9 pairs? Are we around 6.5" on a s29 or s30 pair?



  7. It's like a denim Holy Shroud of Turin!


    It looks like a space invader.


    Hehe, you found it Jammy. I wanted to blend two of my passions here. So this my invaderz geeky pair. 

    The space invader was made of "denim pixels" cut into another pair. Then I kept it in the pocket for 6-7 months.



  8. EDIT: I love the 3-D effect that the whiskers on SDAs produce.


    This denim is amazing: the deep contrast, the crease potential as you noticed. They're quite hard to fade but the result is worth it.

    As the 101s are a bit wider, it must be harder to get them to crease enough, especially in the combs I guess.

  9. Received my first UES items a few weeks ago. The quality is thick...hmm, sorry sick!



    The shirts are so thick I could walk around at 0°C without feeling cold. The belt is even thicker than my IH twice-the-price one. Needless saying these automatically became some of favorite clothes.


    Highly recommended!










  10. Type: 0805SP

    Worn for: 2 years, probably 8-9 months of effective wear

    Washes: Two, first one around 6 months


    I like the evolution of the denim that's still looking quite strong and giving good contrast. It's still pretty hard to get combs but they slowly appear.


    As noticed by Max_P, the threads are rather on the weak side. I'll soon have to restitch the back pockets as you can tell by looking at the first pic.
















  11. So many great shots of PBJ fades lead me to getting a pair of xx-005s today at Dutil. Well, they also gave me 20% off, so that helped. Threw them in the wash on hot to get the shrink out and put them on wet.

    I guess I'm used to Iron Heart, but man, these sure stretched back out quickly.

    Love the denim.


    Good jeans indeed!


    Type: XX-005

    Worn for: 3 years, probably 13-14 months of effective wear

    Washes: 7-8, first one around 6 months


    It seems the denim starts weakening on the thighs. Some new crotch repairs should be performed soon too.

    Had to restitch the bottom of the back pockets lately.







  12. Are black power stretch susceptible to fading?


    They're unfortunately susceptible to... breaking when breaking them in. Only worn for two weeks, one of the belt loops just broke on my gf's black power stretch N&F. I hope this was only a 'shit can happen' unusual isolated event.



  13. Canada Goose is a damn fine jacket, not my cup of tea, but they're durable.

    Not saying they're not, they're actually great. Nobis are even better. It's just not really needed - at least here in Montreal - when you wear some good stuff. You can get away with a good shirt, a heavy hoodie and a leather jacket.

    It may be another story in Calgary though.

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