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Posts posted by OkayOkay

  1. like, good quality? Most everything is built similarly well (with a few exceptions obviously), and there's so many options per manufacturer, as long as you can find a general theme or brand identity you can get behind, you'll probably find a style that fits your face. I make my a chunk of my living in this field, so I can at least help you with materials, lens size / make, pricing, etc if you want.

  2. when people threaten to never come back to a store... You're not punishing anyone... I promise!

    This belongs in the things that make you feel good thread, but the flip side of this is awesome. I told a mom and her daughter the other day that they should shop elsewhere from now on, and that they weren't welcome back. Shit doesn't happen often, but it's so fucking great when it does.

  3. greenmx3-01.jpg

    I hate that the big spoiler on the not-fast cars trend is coming back around these parts. The 90's sucked.

    someone explained the illogical nature of spoilers on rear wheel or front wheel drive vehicles once, like, it does absolutely nothing and most cars that get aftermarket spoilers fall in that category. I know nothing about cars, so someone will have to figure out the answer for me, but I remember it being funny.

  4. my allergies are fucking kicking up these days, and i cannot describe how much i hate having a runny nose when i dont have any tissues, paper towels, or any other shit like that. goddamn it. fucking nose dripping and shit, cant blow my nose, ughhh.

    Aye, I know nobody wants to hear this shit, but I finally had enough and just opened up on some tissue. I thought I was gonna have an aneurism, but holy shit...straight cleared everything and felt total relief. Could literally feel the pressure easing from my sinuses from below my eyes. #feelsgoodman

  5. don't live with other people who you don't know whether they have the same expectations and values concerning cleanliness and quality of living

    next place i'm moving to i'm renting an appartment either alone or with my gf (she clean as fuck - can't seem to keep up :P )

    Living with a woman is the business. I know there's a few that can't keep their shit straight, but for the most part...quiet, clean, respectful, etc.

  6. saw Del get hassled super hard at the San Diego airport a while back. He was behind us going through security, they stopped him, did the pat down. At the gate I look over and he's surrounded by 4 plain clothes cops, one with his hand on his gun. They're telling him to take off his hat, his shoes, open his backpack, etc. He's being cool as fuck about it and tells them all the electronics are for making music. They ask who he is, says his name is Del The Funky Homosapien and he's a rapper, one cop rolls his eyes and mutters "typical", then calls him son and they walk away, leaving him to clean up all his shit they made him spread out. Dude stayed cool as fuck given the situation.

  7. my wife's 14 y/o nephew stays over occasionally. From a super Christian household, isn't allowed to watch R movies, supposed to go to bed at 10, calls smoking weed "taking the pot". We just got back from In N Out at midnight, listened to Brotha Lynch on the way home, watching Ninja Assassin now, letting him look at whatever he wants on the internet. I feel like I'm doing my job.

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