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Posts posted by OkayOkay

  1. Night 1 in McMansion. Every single smoke/CM detector apparently has low batteries, so they're all chirping randomly. Was gonna unplug, but looks like 12ft ceilings, and he only has a 4ft step ladder. I wish I was a little bit taller...

  2. If you had a solid, well paying job, but quit to find something else that "fulfilled you spiritually as well" and struggled locking anything down, then you can claim first world.

  3. Using an Apple component cable to run Netflix to my tv from my iPad, but it's barely too pixelated to watch and enjoy. Theoretically this should work perfect, I'm just not technologically savvy enough to know what's not working right. Just gonna buy that AppleTV thing instead. Frustrating still.

  4. gave up trying to find the little things that annoy you thread, but this makes more sense anyways. Misc bitching about 1st world problems, whitewhine, etc.

    Housesitting at a friend's McMansion for 2 weeks. Lives alone in a 6 bedroom spot, left it stocked with weed, booze, food, etc, completely ridic. Like the guy that invented silent velcro in Garden State. Dude has ultra hi def tv, but everything ends up looking like a soap opera or a porno, and I'm a bit bummed. More than a bit maybe. I kind of need that filter in tv that makes it look fake.


  5. It's about the biggest decision business related in my life. And I would be putting in my life savings and giving up my current job, but it's promising and my sream come true.

    DO IT. Do it now while you are fairly free and unattached. You can always rebuild if it doesn't work, but it gets WAY harder to bounce back once you get older, get married, etc. You're smart enough to know if it's a solid idea or not. You got this.

  6. been getting next to no sleep for a long time now, like 3-4 hours / night average. Fell completely asleep at a stop light today, felt like I was out for ages, got honked at and woke up stressed. Gonna take the next few days off and try to get back on a realistic schedule, this isn't safe at all.

  7. I grew up bait fishing, then moved to gear. I haven't used spin or bait gear for a while, even started moving into offshore fly fishing (obvs still gotta troll for bigger fish), but there's something I really like in fly fishing, maybe it's just that I feel it's a more level playing field between the fish and me. Your catch % will drop drastically though until you get really good at placement and mending, then should skyrocket. I can still appreciate spincasting, I can't say I ever wanna bait fish again, I guess there's just a place for everything. It's way worth looking into, just be ready to drop stupid cash on gear...it gets outta control sometimes.

  8. fish1.jpg

    Manzanita Lake, Shasta County (I think?). Most amazing still water trout fishing I've ever seen. Throwing hopper patterns at cruising browns mid-summer on a 3wt with a reel with no drag, just gotta palm it (pause).

  9. ^ let me know if there's any alien conspiracy. or any GRE hacks.

    went into what was labeled an "extraterrestrial invasion discussion board" for a sec, but I guess Deep Net defines extraterrestrials as 6 year olds. I've never been so uncomfortable in my life. Back to regular web.

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