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Posts posted by OkayOkay

  1. fishing3-1.jpg

    couple season's back Steelhead on the Applegate (trib of the Rogue). Super tech small stream on a 5wt, got him on a caddis variation a friend showed me how to tie with a bead head dropper. So stoked he hit the dry. Felt super undergunned on the 5wt.

  2. a buddy and I surfed through Silk Road when we got caught up in the deep web's 15 minutes. It looked legit, but not nearly the selection I expected. Kind of anticipated seeing more pharmaceuticals and harder drugs, but it was mainly weed. Not sure if it's changed lately.

  3. Quit being jealous? Duh?

    I've been in relationships with girls who are insanely jealous and girls who are not jealous at all. The latter is better. Always. There are no exceptions. Jealousy is a guaranteed relationship killer.

    this ^

    Jealousy is just an admission that you're inadequate in some way, even if it's only in your mind. Do something good for yourself, work on being a better person however you see fit, and remember you can't control how other people are gonna feel or act. Nobody can "make" you jealous.

  4. American football: tournament winner calls themselves "World Champions"

    Football: you have to actually play teams from other nations to call yourself that.

    too funny.

  5. American football: tournament winner calls themselves "World Champions"

    Football: you have to actually play teams from other nations to call yourself that.

    too funny.

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