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Posts posted by superbeveridge

  1. The BSS shows I have seen are when they play smaller local venues. The type that hold 500-600 people. The absolute best is when they do them here in Toronto, their hometown, and all their satellite bands are in town. You can get up to 20 on the stage and they play and play and play. They did one at Lee's Palace in Toronto (my favorite venue) where they brought out the likes of all the BSS crew and friends but also Bloc Party, K-Os and Tom friggin Cochrane a Canadian legend. Enjoy the show!

  2. Sumach is the best wood for carving. My grandfather was a master carver and taught me how to make birds and what not. Sumach is really good because it is a very soft wood and is easy to cut into.

  3. David Glantz Archive Tattoo... he does colour brilliantly. I can't wait to see the tattoo in person. It's going to dope on his apprentice. If you go to the archive website he has a fantastic portrait of johnny cash. really wild.

  4. I must have at least a dozen pullsaws. They're like the sleeper tool of the kind of stuff I do. Kinda kills me that you're felling trees with it, but I can appreciate that you like them!

    Used one of these just the other day to take down a couple small trees in my backyard... good thing I have a ravine behind me... makes for easy disposal of trees.

  5. My Corter belt. It was the premium one when I got it but I think there are newer ones that are thicker.

    When I got it.


    Now after 6 months... I got it the same day I started wearing my Dry Bones

    Added a keeper from my last oxblood belt and a bigger buckle I had.




    A little indigo love.

    I got caught on my bike in a few rain storms while wearing this and the water soaking in created some interesting designs in the leather.

  6. My Corter belt. It was the premium one when I got it but I think there are newer ones that are thicker.

    When I got it.


    Now after 6 months... I got it the same day I started wearing my Dry Bones

    Added a keeper from my last oxblood belt and a bigger buckle I had.




    A little indigo love.

    I got caught on my bike in a few rain storms while wearing this and the water soaking in created some interesting designs in the leather.

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