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Posts posted by superbeveridge

  1. It's been awhile since i posted anything so here are my dry bones. About 15-16 months of wear and i have forgotten how many times i washed them. Time for them to be retired since i can barely fit into them now. Sorry for the picture overload!!!!








    I've been wearing mine sin January. Hope they turn out just as nice. I wear them everyday but I am not getting the same honeycombs eveyone here seems to be getting.

  2. The dudes from Schaeffer on Sunset did an awesome job on my Dry Bones. They were torn to shit. Pockets were rags, knees were non-existant, etc. etc. Had them hem them as well. Thought hey, if I invested this much into these pairs, might as well put some money into the repairs as well.

    On the SExDBxS09, they did a reconstruction on the knees, but on the Red-d, its just the simple denim patch. Hope you guys enjoy the pictures.

    SExDBxS09 (Lots of washes, lots of months... 16?)

    Red-d (Lots of washes, not as many months... 12?)










    My pocket bags are starting to fall apart on my SEXDBXS09. Going to have to take them in soon to get taken care off.

  3. got some real use of my flashlight the other night. a giant friggin spider was trying to make a home out of the headset of my scooter. i strobed the shit out of it to scare it off.

    i tend to use my a lot at work. i manage a motorcycle dealership and it is a pain in the ass to read the VIN off a bike without extra light.

  4. Always do a complete restore. If you just do the typical virus killers your computer will never be the same and you can never be truly sure if you got it all. A complete restore will get rid of it all and you can be sure it won't come back. Just take and inventory of everything you have on your computers and how you set it up. For photos just put them on a disc and make sure you run a virus scan before copying them back on to your computer later on.

  5. I love how BSS have gotten so big. I remember seeing them at the local places years ago when they could barely fill the space. I still try and see all the secret shows they play in Toronto when I can. I know some of the guys in the bands so they usually give me the heads up. They really like taking care of their Toronto crowd.

  6. Spent the afternoon framing some concert prints I picked up over the last couple weeks.


    A truly great all day show...


    Saw these guys just the other day...


    Have had this one for a while. Toro Y Moi. The band is pretty fun live. Loved this print...


  7. Anyone hit up Sydney's for the 'fire' sale?

    i went by for a peak. there actually was a bit of a lineup although i think it was for show. they had a lot of jeans on sale. tonnes of naked and famous. lots of button up shirts and a decent amount of suits.

  8. IMG_1010.JPG

    Haven't posted in while here... updated EDC

    Rothman's Special Mild (took up smoking again after being quit for 4 years... I know I know)

    Timex watch

    Smith and Wesson Pen (love this!)

    Benchmade Griptillian

    Zippo (19th birthday gift)

    Etymotics earphones (put these through a load in the wash, sunk them in a bowl of rice to dr and they are still kickin)

    Keys (with Lacie Iamakey, bottle opener)

    Iphone 3gs

    Billykirk cuff

    Hillside bandana

    Billykirk wallet

    Canadian funny money

    Fenix PD30 flashlight

    I just got back from S and R Knives Toronto. They are pretty much the only place to go in the GTA for decent knives. I got my Benchmade there and my pen. I went out to check out their Fenix lights. They just became a dealer and I have been in the market for a while. I wanted something with a high total output, not too small but could fit in my pocket along with my knife and pen. The PD30 fit the bill nicely. While it isn't this years newest model it suited my needs. I was also looking at the TK11 and while nice it was far too big to EDC in my pocket. Would make a nice bag light though.

  9. long before i got my first tattoo, i wanted to get this as a backpiece, but i went for another direction than japanese, so i had to let this idea go.

    someone should do this !


    woodblock print, 1845.

    I have been looking for a sleeve idea. I think the skeleton over the two samurai dudes would be awesome!

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