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Posts posted by jaac

  1. Good info, im pretty prepared for it to be fuckin hard. I'm less worried about the written language, just wanted to get a head start before possibly moving there after graduating. Interest/challenge as well obviously. My friend told me i can go visit his grandma anytime (japanese stereotype miyazaki grandma) and she will chat with me/give me hela food.

  2. gonna learn japanese next year, heads gonna explode. Dude i work with is getting straight HD's doing spanish,french,german and italian, he studies so hard, told me he gets really mixed up sometimes as well.

  3. yeh if u lose/trim/clean up the beard. it's a pretty tidy cut, imo short sides wouldn't fit well with a scruffy beard.

    anyone else just have wicked inconsistency with their hair. somedays i rly like it, try to replicate and it turns out way fuckin different (read:shit)

  4. i recently enquired with my optometrist about lasik. dude said it was fine to get it after your perscription has been stable for around 2 years. it costs fuckin heaps tho. he layed it out that i had 2 options: a)go the cheaper route, they use older lasers and you might need a re-do (which they will charge you for). B) more expensive, newer lazers and they cover any re-do you need. The price differential is not small but i can't really see myself going the cheap route regardless.

  5. Yeh, i have a khaki regular sized kanken, it was great as a eurotripping daypack and it got beat up but it's ugly and they don't drape well, just like a big box on your back if its full. function>form, i also took the hand carry bit off mine, unecessary.

  6. drunk texting, funny in retrospect tho.

    after this girl told me she was watchin tv i jokingly consulted my drunk friend on what to write next,


    "no, not really. are you drunk?"

    "not really" somehow makes it worse haha.

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