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Posts posted by TTM

  1. I remember going to an under aged drinking class (got busted at a party)

    Some random dirtbag in the corner goes "I smoked for 12 years. Quit cold turkey. Easiest thing I ever did." I'm like yeah what ev, what are you even doing here you're like 35. This aint no smoking class.

  2. why do you care what your ex-gf is doing? still frands?

    We make friendly contact periodically. we have gone weeks without words, by then I could care less what she is up to. We had an unpleasant exchange saturday which I think brought about the dream. Time to go back to full radio silence :rolleyes: .....for good

  3. woke up early this morning due to a nightmare. had a dream ex-gf covered her body in tats, started doing low class porn and hard drugs shutter

    after making breakfast i had a burst of responsibility: I made appointments to get help w/ my taxes and checked for STDs.

  4. let me first start off saying that I am a rather attractive male. Extremely attractive, and fashionable more so.

    Unfortunately, since I prefer to keep a tight and well regimented schedule, one morning I was running rather late and was forced to take the bus. I grab the first open seat I see taking no care to look at my seat partner, as I was preoccupied with observing the cuties aboard.

    To my cruel amusement, I am sitting next to a complete ogre. I struggled to maintain my composure as this beast of a woman became visibly uncomfortable in my presence. Her forehead began to glisten, knees jerking uncontrollably,..wow. if I had any empathy whatsoever, i might have jumped to a newly empty seat. But no, I sat and let her waft my cologne. awkward

  5. maaaan, i'm a student in a 'hard' major, and i dabbled in the brain drugs. I really dont think it helped me, although it managed to do essentially what all drugs were created to do: make boredom feel enjoyable.

    I can say I studied 4 pages for 6.5 hours straight, and I can even say it was the best time i've had in the library, and I can EVEN say I got so ADD i bought a coffee maker on ebay, but I can't say i got a very good grade ;)

  6. man the japanese government and officials are getting massive flack in the german press and media for their bad information policy and their incredibly bad behaviour during this crisis

    so bizarre, only thing you hear about in the US is the reactors. No word on the thousands of dead and recovery efforts.

  7. yeah man, ditch the cigs. not only do you stop smelling like a low life dirtbag, but there is monetary and health benefits in it for you too.

    I dread that first whiff of cig smoke when a person gets on the bus "dontsitnexttome dontsitnexttome dontsitnexttome dontsitnexttome"

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