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Posts posted by zissou

  1. What I want from a modern "replica" is quality fabric, workmanship and a nod to the old, but with a modern fit & aesthetic. That's what I like about Flat Head, Sugarcane etc...If I were designing a workshirt, that's what I'd be going for.

    That's exactly what I'm shooting for- a modern replica with a slimmer/longer fit. The material will be selvage chambray of some kind, but not likely Japanese because of the cost. We'll see.

    Well, it sounds good to me! Make some long enough for tall dudes and put me down for one!

    That's partly why I'm doing this- because I'm a tall dude and nothing fits me :) What's your height/weight if you don't mind me asking? I am 6'2", 165.

    I'll keep you all posted.

    Oh, and FYI in case anyone might think I'm advertising, I'm not making any money at all off of this. It's all for fun.

  2. Thanks for the input, stacks. I agree with you about aesthetic vs historic value.

    It'll definitely look like a traditional workshirt, but, for instance, the pockets might be from different eras or influences. I'm going more for a maritime look, but not quite as unique as MFSC.

    I'd also like to make the shirt have a slimmer fit, which is something you don't see very often. I can't wear most workshirts because they are way too boxy on me. I also thought there are plenty of options for repros, so I thought I'd mix things up a little.

  3. How much do you guys care about historic authenticity in the design of workshirts that you buy? The reason I ask is because I'm designing a workshirt that will eventually be for sale, and I'd rather put together a shirt that has everything I want in a workshirt, but not necessarily 'authentic'. That said, I don't want to make something that very few people would want to buy... Thoughts?

  4. Man, that's serious! You'd run into all kinds of issues related to what can grow where, etc. Are you in a tropical climate? As far as I know, true indigo (Indigofera tinctoria) grows only in the tropics. Here in the western US, dyer's woad (Isatis tinctoria) grows well (a little too well- it's an exotic invasive), but the indigo yield, as I discovered, is much lower. Funny thing is, woad became a terrible invasive plant in the US because people planted it in their garden to harvest for indigo. Watch out! :)

  5. Hah, you got the bandana :) like it?

    LIke your utinity jeans...

    Thanks. I keep wondering if/how the jeans will fade. They have khaki warp and weft (and buckleback <3).

    The chambray is a bit heavy for a bandana, but I like it nonetheless. I probably won't buy too much more from them. They really need to start making shirts or something out of all of those nice chambrays.

  6. Good question, therelativity. You bike all over don't you? That could explain it. I haven't washed mine yet, and it just has a little bit of dirt on the underside of the cuffs. Cheers for the rep :)

  7. ^WOuldn't the indigo leaves need to be fresh? I'm right in the middle of an indigo project using woad leaves. It was a fun but very labor intensive project to get very little indigo. I think I have enough indigo to make about a gallon pot of dye, so now I need to decide what to make with it.

    I wish Christophe would put up some photos of this CPO post-wash


  8. Shirt looks great, seb! I just noticed some stitching on mine coming undone, so time for a repair. I can't wait to see what these utility shirts and CPOs start looking like in a year or so...

  9. Hey Kiya or anyone else that might know, are there anymore of the Shore Shorts available anywhere? a second run maybe? Was just randomly clicking around SE found them, then noticed the big sold out button =/

    Hinoya still has them in all sizes

    I don't think these have shown up on this thread. Also on hinoya.


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