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Posts posted by 6ixes&7evens

  1. hum good thread to ask a stupid question. do any one know about chinese girl coming to europe to study ? like all the chinese in my class are studying machines and look retarded (the chicks are ugly, especially this albinos one, she doesn't even look human and always wear the same shirt with motivational bullshit written in engrish) except this one cute chinese who seem to sort of like me. her name is like Yi Wen Xu or something... i guess it helps a lot.

    but hum if it's hopeless i'll concentrate my effort on this norwegian redhead friend of mine.

    you better jump on it before western influence quickly takes over her

  2. spot on.

    it seems somewhat natural that alot of nonback kids speak what many would consider ebonics. products of environments.

    just how like i met this one asian ho who was adopted by white family from the south. she was just a twinky who had a heavy southern accent. didn't even know her ethnicity and how to cook rice.

    i met an asian chick like this shit was fuckin weird like some straight outta twilight zone shit she was like im chinese so i said a phrase and she looked at me with the most depressing face ever and said "I cant speak chinese"

  3. in the biblical sense

    yes yes indeed people always say that the virgin mary got pregnant but i think jesus got pregnant and then gave it to her as gift and then hail storms rained out rainbows and sour skittles

  4. I put brought my friend and cousin together in high school and they've been together for 6 years as of yesterday.

    yeah thats cool one of my sister has been with her bf for like 11 years still arent married... and that shit is not happenin even though my sister wants to

    my other sister and her bf been together for 8 they were supposed to get married this year but my sister got pregnant n she was gonna be hella fat n couldnt fit in her dress so they called it off

    if anyones wondering i have 5 sisters

  5. ive gotta say that for me, at least during the past year, the price of weed changed less than anything else ive bought throughout the year

    nah i ment it the other way meaning shits not always good no matter where u kop if u keep smoking the same shit on a daily basis you build a tolerance to it

    i remember when i used to sell weed i got a bad batch one time dudes didnt call me for like a month hahhaha

    i also got this theory that the more you clone the weed the less potent it gets i remember when GD before it blew up shit wasnt even purple shit was just green and that shit was good now i go check it shits about as good as regular weed y'kno just gets high but not like fucking out of it

    face facts shit will never be as good as your first time

  6. Study: Many Teens Overconfident, Have 'Wildly' Unrealistic Expectations

    Teens today are overconfident and harbor more unrealistic expectations than teens in the 1970s, a study published in the November issue of Psychological Science finds.

    And researchers say the culprits behind the arrogance that many teens possess are their parents and teachers.

    The study's co-author told HealthDay news that the findings point to a "self-esteem" movement that may have gone too far.

    "These kids didn't raise themselves, they got these ideas from somewhere," said Jean Twenge, an associate professor of psychology at San Diego State University.

    Because modern day parents hand out endless praise, kids readily believe they are somehow superior, she said.

    Furthermore, research shows that high school teachers now give out "A" grades more easily than they in the 1970s, even though students do less homework today than they did 30 years ago.

    For the study, which is not yet published online, researchers looked at 30 years of data from the Monitoring the Future study, in which students offer self-views on questions such as how smart they are and what type of spouses they'll make in the future.

    They found that teens today were more likely to describe themselves as "A" students, even if they're not, and to believe they'll make exemplary spouses and employees.

    The overconfidence is causing teens to set "wildly" unrealistic goals for themselves, Twenge said.

    Late pass but interesting read. I cant help but feel this is a bit true


  7. I'll be honest you have no one to blame but yourself. pick yourself back up and go with the flow dont be bitchmade and punk out when a bitch is digging you and honestly 11 months is too short of a time to propose gotta get pass the 2-3yr hump ya feel? im not gonna say hope shit works out for you because from what i read its totally up to you where things go from here

  8. Rajio hating on sharkbiters who grabbed his 2006 steeez...

    I like the MMM necklace, but dude should lose that beer belly. Anyways dude's threads is more ballerz than mine.

    dude look likes he pregnant that flap is huge too which makes it even more prego looking

  9. its actually supposed to be part of my soon-to-be-"mohawk", but i'd cause commotion at school it i were to shave it now.

    so i have a year and a half to grow it.

    but i like your idea, tg.

    by any chance does anyone know who kaiji moriyama is?

    ^ that's hot btw, tg.

    i think with your current style it'll look really good but with a Mohawk its kinda hard to imagine

  10. theres no coffee........


    they need to make a pill that stops procrastination

    of course the procrastinators would be taking regular hard workers/thinkers job

    and a procrastinator would never create because he would be unable to finish it

  11. Dear Asians, or fellow Asians, it depends on your response to this post. Do you consider Filipinos Asian?

    This is a question i myself do not know how to answer.

    All the really flipino people be like "Pinoy pride! we aint asian, we pacific islanders!!xxx111"

  12. you didn't answer the question, but I am assuming no.

    In which case.

    Dear Asians,

    What do you look for in a wife?

    In the long term are cooking skills or a nice ass more important?

    I think every asian guy wants a girl who can cook. Also i prefer more traditional women

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