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Posts posted by 6ixes&7evens

  1. I dont think any country is progressive enough to jump ship its like all the ships around you are sinking too but you can get on the small wooden boat tied to the sides and try to get away on your own there is a slim chance you'll live though whereas a sinking ship is prolly around the same chances depending on whos the captain, you savvy?

  2. image002.jpg

    google searched image to get ur attention

    This topic may be a little too serious for supertrash but im putting it here anyway.

    Lately I really get the impression that North America is at a crossroads. Years of hearing the same alarmist news about everything from the environment to of course the economy has resulted in very little action by individuals, governments and society as a whole. Mainly we just ignored the shit and it was all good as long as we could cop jawnz and buy booze.

    however i get this uneasy feeling that the tide is turning

    I really have the feeling that all the facts are starting to add up and its time to face to music so to speak. I hate to sound pessimistic but even at the start of the recession I really felt that we couldn't maintain the high standard of life the majority has come to expect in North America. Sure there's no shortage of people who want to jump on the bandwagon of China as the next great superpower but I don't know how realistic that is since I feel that country still has a long way to go to really have a stable society. I do feel though that the developing world is going to want theirs and not just be manufacturing slaves.

    I'm kind of ranting now but I'll add more later if this topic takes off.

    to sum up for the lazy fucks

    The US/Canada and to some extent parts of Europe are like an aging championship sports team , we still think we're the shit but there are plenty of young hungry teams who are trying to take our salaries and our place.


    i feel the same way.

    I'd also like to say that America/the world is not progressing which is why we are in the situation that we are in now. Instead of creating a demand where there is none, we are supplying the sameshit but upgraded v

  3. Sufu laws of engagement? What? I never said I hate anyone, I was just saying I found those looks to be somewhat ordinary. I didn't dig them up either, nor are they old or random. Just saying.

    they shit is ordinary yo shit is smelly and has corn in it

  4. once a gaijin, and once a barely legal spillover from harajuku.

    goth-kei looked about 16. I figured why not.

    gave one to her and each of her 2 friends, probably got them started on a nice healthy life habit.

    the world needs to clear up a bit anyways

  5. why arent white peoples answering our questions? they afraid they will be exposed? why when i ask a white person if he is white they always reply no "i'm (insert a foreign race here thats not black asian indian etc here) mixed with (insert a foreign race here thats not black asian indian etc here)"

    or they say im 15% this 35% that etcetcetc

  6. How do you guys think Federer's gonna fare for the rest of the year?

    Losing the Aussie Open is definitely a disappointment, especially when the audience there roots for you the most. They love him at Wimbledon and the US Open too. Not so much at Roland, well, obviously because Nadal always wins Roland.

    But it's hard not to like the guy. Fed used to be a quick temper guy like Safin.

    fuck yea Nadal won i love watching him play!! that nigga puts so much spin and fuckin hooks that shit in like kwazy

  7. I live with the University of Washington Men's Tennis team and ESPN is on 24/7 during the Australian Open. They definitely had some close matches this year, but I think last year's open was a little more intense. The roddick federer match was pretty pathetic...

    what the fuck do u guys even play tennis? that shit was one sides but that shit was good to me it was a clash of differing styles how can u rag on that? usually in games like these esp for roddick nigga either steps up or gets beat down and u cant say roddick didnt pull out some out of character ass shit

    also it showed roddicks weak points and how truly versatile someone like federer is

    they wouldve rallying and shit if jock made it but that nigga was playing fucking horrible vs roddick(both of them were playing horribly actually) so whos fucking say

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