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Posts posted by 6ixes&7evens

  1. I used to hear stories about my original grandfather and how righteous and rich he was. My dad said he used to have stacks of silver and gold and when he had guest over he stacked them over and told them if they were able to kick it over they could keep whichever ones that fell. He loaned money out to many people and when he died none was paid back. I hate my step grandfather all he does is smoke opium he smoked all my original grandfathers money and he never wanted to take care of his kids.

    He left his twin babies to die back in asia

    He let my dads sister die back in asia

    He spends all his money and my grandmothers money on opium

  2. -I fuck women, I call them girlfriends when convenient, I don't really like it, but I need a place to put my sperm sometimes.

    -I think it's probably better I don't fuck this girl at work, now that I realize how stupid my relationships with women are; I make them get drunk with me post 10 or 11pm and they listen to my stupid stories and I make them tell me they love me, we make bacon, and then I wake up the next morning and I am out, until I call them back again at like 11pm. Then again, this also works and doesn't interfere with my drinking that much so it's become a pattern for me.

    -I got arrested in college by campus police, whilst wearing only my boxers. It was because two girls stole my pizza that I was eating on when I came home from the bar, and I made them get on their hands and knees to apologize to me in the hallway, and I automatically reached out my hand and pimp slapped them on the backs of their heads as a deal sweetener (for me), in front of the roaring throngs of my dorm floormates. An hour or so later I am being pulled out of my slumber for assault and battery. Whoda thunk. I still contend that a pimp slap is rightful punishment for stealing drunk munchies from people, and I'd do it again if needed, that's how my brain functions. One of the girls I pimp slapped now gives me a hug whenever we meet since (not often obviously). I have a feeling she'd facebook me too, if she knew I had one.

    -I was a car freak in high school, but got into the habit of wrecking cars and seeing them fixed again, so I have a hard to time keeping the shiny parts from not hitting stuff anymore without caring. In other words I am a bad driver. I'm eventually gonna be able to cop my Qporte, but it will be all fucked up within 6 months.

    -Whenever I get a girlfriend I stop going on dates with them and I just make them go to whatever restaurant I feel like going to, and drinking at my favorite bar with me, and I don't take them anywhere else.

    asian people say they are drifting but really they just tryna control they car

  3. oh, im pretty sure he'll know who i am once he sees my sn, or maybe not.

    he'd posted in this thread before *sigh*

    why are boys so eager to share their secrets w/ once another and not w/ their significant other.

    just saying.

    lol u really signed up for the forum to put me on blast? look all i wanted to do was fuck its w/e

  4. sell my 360 or sell my wii? either way it's going to fund jawns. need halp, selling tomorrow at like gamestop. would get more for wii because i have more stuff but would want to keep it. or just outgrow video games entirely and sell everything to save up for new bootz?

    craigslist mayne

  5. when your friends have a fucking car but never NEVER wants to take their car out . You want to fucking go out to i know where the fucking party is at pick me fucking up instead of me picking your ass up.

    CHEAP ASS MOTHER FUCKERS is another shit i hate. Mother fucker when im fucking drunk as fuck and your hungry and so am i i always pay for your fucking ass i even offer to fucking pay for gas when u fuckin decide to take your car out. You making fuckin more bread then me how the fuck are you so cheap? jesus christ.

    This isnt about all of my friends its just one fucker whos just a pain in the fuckin ass sometimes cus hes so fucking cheap and lazy. im not hanging out with this fucker anymore nigga he can do his own thang.

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