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Posts posted by 6ixes&7evens

  1. went to a party.

    asian chick downed a quarter of vodka.

    started praying to lord jesus.

    threw up all over her friends.

    hugged the toilet for the rest of the night.

    the whole night was spent watching this girl act like a total dumbass it was worth it though. how embarrassing hahahhaha

  2. isn't ramen instant noodles that come prepackaged and cooked? atleast it is in korea...

    cause that's so major peasant shit.

    or is ramen different in japan?

    LIES!! LIES AND BLASPHEMY! BEGONE FOUL DECEIVER! oh Ye of silver tongue and empty promise, though your words are glorious and filled with promises the truly righteous know that this is not the way! I say NAY! NAY to the blasphemy! I turn my face from thee and I command you to begone from my presence! fuckin uncultured peon

  3. do all black people hate vegetarians

    what are you feelings on non stereotypical black people

    example: listen to rock, watch anime, nerdy etc

    do you disown them like they disown hip hop and fubu?

    id like to kno this aswell i heard a ghetto black lady call a "white washed black guy" a disgrace to his race

  4. seems like you guys got it rough in the east. From my experience in cali most of the time the cops just take your weed and tell u get the fuck outta here.

    There was this one time where i had a fresh pack of newports and the police made me pull them out and crush them. i was underage and was in oakland though

  5. wait

    did you really understand what i was saying in that post? You speak Chinese, right...at least Cantonese

    If the Chinese got one thing going for them it's paranoia and superstition. The only thing holding us back from getting on the level of the Jews is our inability to unite. Understandable when you got almost 2 billion deep.

    we're either talking about the samething or 2 completely different superstitions

  6. if you are using your CNY money to cop SHOES, then check yourself blood. You need to enroll in Wu-Tang Summer School for some Chinese history/sociology lessons before you go about doing something dumb like that.


    i agree

    the most i ever got from CNY was about 500-700 my favorites is to burn firecrackers at the middle of the nite to scare all the white folk though

  7. you talking about country chinee food? haven't tried much, but i generally don't like peasant recipes.

    iono seein some of the shit my parents used to cook and my friends it seems like the shit they sell in restuarants n stuff is only for special events

    i grew up with the stuff so its probaly grown on me i dont really like food with hella seasoning n ingrediants

  8. fade,

    don't even really know about that one bitch i was involved with. just knew what she told me. cause i met mad chinese speaking people who front about being BAR hk. like this one lady who does my bitch's nails. she say she from hk, but her employee say she just b some vietkonger bitch.

    when i used to travel to hk, honestly i didn't know the difference. you being a local would. i just wanted to bang.

    asian bitches try to front like straight up compulsive liar type shit ive know countless asian girls who pretend to be something they arent esp in the US they pretend to be white when they eyes are more slanted then the stoned white dude standing next to them

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