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Posts posted by 6ixes&7evens

  1. "There comes a time in every economic crisis, or more specifically, in every struggle to recover from a crisis, when someone steps up to the podium to promise the policies that — they say — will deliver you back to growth. The person has political support, a strong track record, and every incentive to enter the history books. But one nagging question remains. Can this person, your new economic strategist, really break with the vested elites that got you into this much trouble?"

    And here's the man who asked that question. Simon Johnson is former chief economist at the International Monetary Fund. He now teaches global economics and management at MIT's Sloan School of Management and is a senior fellow of the Peterson Institute. He is co-founder of that website I quoted — baselinescenario.com — where he analyzes the global economic and financial crisis."

    "I think I'm signaling something a little bit shocking to Americans, and to

    myself, actually. Which is the situation we find ourselves in at this

    moment, this week, is very strongly reminiscent of the situations we've seen many times in other places.But they're places we don't like to think of ourselves as being similar to. They're emerging markets. It's Russia or Indonesia or a Thailand type situation, or Korea. That's not comfortable. America is different. America is special. America is rich. And, yet, we've somehow find ourselves in the grip of the same sort of crisis and the same sort of oligarchs."

    "Are you saying that the Banking industry Trumps the President, the Congress and the American government when it comes to this issue so crucial to the survival of American democracy?"

    "Both the "Wall Street Journal" and "The New York Times" reported this week that Obama's top two political aides, Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod, have pushed for tougher action against the banks. But they didn't prevail. Obama apparently sided with Geithner and the Treasury Department in using a velvet glove."



    thoughts opinions anyone?

  2. 1. I got hit by a car twice

    2. I fell out of a car

    3.While sliding down one of those rails i fell and cracked my head

    4.My pinky almost got cut off because someone rolled over it with ice skating blades when i fell

    5. I used to be really poor

    6. I squeemish when it comes to blood

    7.I threw a chair at my teacher in elementary school

    8.I take pleasure in staring at the vagina

    9.I say random things when im alone

    10. I like spending time alone sometimes

    11.I am cheesy when it comes to women

    12. I have 6 sisters and 1 brother

    13.I won a poetry contest

    14.I cant decide who i am

    15.I got my first cell phone last year

    16.I can drink alot of alcohol for a short asian guy

    17. Asian women arent attracted to me for some odd reason

    18.I have to pee as i am typing this

    19.I cut my finger really deep the otherday while fishing

    20. I dont have a best friend

    21.I like zoning out

    22.I like zombies

    23.Poofy vagina is interesting

    24.I like crazy wimmenz

    25.I won a hotdog eating contest

  3. i swear, more than half of the threads started in trash confuse me. Its like im walking into a dark room after being out in the sun all day.

    what? who? and why do i still kinda wanna smash

    u kno u cant resist those eyes it pulls u in like julz's vagina

    EDIT: this thread is now about Allison and America's Next Top Model starting march 4th

  4. that has to be you right? were you wearing a white/green plaid shirt? do you remember some stinky arse leather jacket girl at all? she might be a fatty


    you can always ignore incase that does happen i personally think u shuld just send the pic only incase u are not the one

    but yo

    You had me at "I hear one in 4 people in the city has herpes"

    u owe me a girl with herps if i visit nyc

  5. yo I feel like I might've brought it up at some point because of your post.

    But it's not true.

    I swear it's not.

    liar u has the herpes!!!! hahaha

    hey i can give her a pic of u if ur too scared but i wont let u kno if she says thats him or thats not. tho

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