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Posts posted by juliaN.

  1. Today is my birthday and its just another day. I wish it were different.

    my birthday coming in pretty much exactly 2 weeks

    couldn't give a shit less, quarter of a century gone with the wind and i don't remember a damn thing, no regrets or coulda shoulda wouldas, it all turned out the same here i am and i might as well

  2. nah pretty much all the jeans differ and tshirts due to me making most of em, alot of different scarfs aswell.jackets dont alternate that much but i aint wore the jacket^before.

    damn those are pretty subtle differences

    nuanced is an appropriate word for your wardrobe.

  3. on the way back from hk last month i was in a rush and grabbed a carton of marlboro menthols thinking they were marlboro light menthols. too strong.

    thinking back now, shouldve grabbed more cartons to try.

    if you're rolling through HK duty free, there are better cigarettes to cop than marlboros

  4. I've just written a brief commentary summing up my thoughts on the label's closing and a bit of a retrospective based on my limited knowledge but personal interpretation -

    “An Ode to Revolution No. 9â€

    Having received news of the official closing of the fashion label Number (N)ine, designed by a true modern conceptual visionary, Takahiro Miyashita, I was at once saddened but also empathic at this sudden coda. There is not too much to say about the collections themselves, everything Taka wanted to say, he had already presented on the runway, which is available for viewing on any number of style-oriented websites.

    As a final tribute to this clothing brand, it is worth looking at the somewhat twisted but universal ethos which pervaded Taka’s work, a certain mentality that defined the brand and in turn allowed the designer to both project his own persona and give him a voice to talk to the world. Fortunately for him, many did indeed listen, and relate. Sometimes, if something has already been said much more eloquently, there is no need to put it in your own words.

    Perhaps it is cliché to reference the likes of Kurt Cobain, Johnny Cash, Neil Young, Pablo Picasso, Vincent Van Gogh, Charles Bukowski, and the string of like-minded troubled personalities who have been dissected and quoted an infinite number of times amongst the literati, angst-ridden teenagers, coffeehouse pseudo-intellectuals, and just genuine fans. However, the frequency, the nuance, the mind-bogglingly obsessive attention to detail to which Taka would imbue his references into the very fabric of his creations revealed a man who literally wore his heart on his sleeve in the most fitting display of this adage. There need not be any criticisms or analyses of pretense or irony in these references; there is none. If a young boy growing up finds solace in the words of “Lithium,†then so it is, all other judgmental labels irrelevant and superfluous.

    The brand is quite dear to my heart in that I found a kindred soul in the voice of its mastermind, who created a world that was populated by the archetypal tortured loner who wandered through life often misunderstood, unhappy, battered, worn down and weary, as if each of the luminary figures Taka saluted throughout his work did not belong in their respective times, all congregating in somewhat of a h(e)aven of a Japanese curator’s capsule. The most telling of the designer’s intentions could be found in the collection of t-shirts for the Spring/Summer 2008 Collection, which featured a print of many of his, and our heroes, alongside a quotation they might have been known for. They were the words of those who came before us, of those who are amongst us, but also of the man behind the brand. A selection:

    “Accept loss forever.†– Jack Kerouac

    “Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead.†– Charles Bukowski

    “Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.†– William S Burroughs

    “Rock and Roll can never die.†– Neil Young

    For the brief period in which Taka offered an honest, unflinching window into his soul via the medium of giving us beautiful clothes to wear, I salute this eternal highwayman. The past twelve years have been a labor of love for an imaginary world, born out of a conflicted hatred but also attempt at reconciliation for the real one. The motel room’s door is closed at last, the final ‘shut’ sound dissipating into the sands of time.

  5. thats a good choice. i go through half a pack a day and its too expensive.

    half a pack? man up and finish that other half

    i hate days where i end on a note that feels slightly unfinished. something's just lacking. might as well go all the way so that day can be buried in the annals of history for good.

  6. Hollywood hates Mickey Rourke though, he barely got any handclaps when he was getting announced. As insufferable as Penn is, you got to admit he is more "Hollywood" than Rourke. Maybe the guy is just plain unlucky...Brando was pretty fucking out there but his name remained intact throughout.

    Penn's performance deserved the award this time as opposed to the last time he was up on that podium...but I dunno, I just would've liked to see Rourke get it.

  7. it's a cloudy day in Portland, Oregon...


    btw the camera is shitty but i'm also wearing the Cobain 'Fuck, the word fuck has as many connotations as does the word art' t-shirt

    sorry it was the best i could do Taka-san.

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