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Posts posted by juliaN.

  1. what do hong kong nigs smoke? i see a lot of older dus smoke 555 or double happiness here

    hong kong nigs...depends...the young'uns like me smoke mild sevens , marlboro lights or some other weak shit like that.

    the construction smokers who loiter around the plaza near where I live pretty badass though...dope ass workwear steez, complete with paint/dirt splattered baggy torn jeans, sloppily falling over work boots and a chambray are chain smoking reds and taking mad breaks drinking tall boys and saying fuck this mother, fuck that cunt.

    mainland Chinese got better cigarettes. All my CCP motherfuckers smoke Chung Hwa, probably get it for free thru their gov connects.

    China is the biggest bulldozer in the world.

  2. this is what the fuck i'm talkin bout

    Al Pacino started smoking at age 9

    This kid > Al Pacino

    man...hong kong needs to man up and start producing this kind of bad ass shit. We got 7 year olds goin to rehab for ketamine, but that's some pussy shit. For girl only. The whole point of drugs like E and K is so that girls take them start getting incoherent and unconscious, don't wanna see my chiggas on that. Gimme some 2nd grade menthol chain smoker, fedora wearing switchblade toting motherfuckers.

  3. im sick of stupid negros thinking theyre smart after they watch one documentary.


    people who think they know ANYTHING about China without being immersed in the system, let alone just going off 2nd hand sources, don't know shit.

    China - stare long enough into the abyss, it starts to look right back at you

  4. does landho play mtg? i mean i went to the world championships in indianapolis so i may count as that? but jeep probably has biggest collection.

    you went to the world championships?

    surprised you didn't know Landho...i think his name is Lan D. Ho, that sound more familiar? Apparently he was a pro player. I'll let him fill the rest of the blanks in...i am out of the loop

    wow on the right side of my screen there is a DBSS advertisement , patent leather in black, looks like some high tech raf simons/rick owens orgy.

  5. SJP has the face of a horse. +rep to you both for good taste.

    SJP looks like Michael Bolton in stilettos

    Jennifer Garner...ehh i can see the justification, some dudes just like 'athletic' chicks

    never understood the rock and roll world's adulation for Drew Barrymore.

  6. what about coked out and humble?

    i think this is a mathematical impossibility

    humble probably in the sense they ain't talkin much, probably just shy and insecure as hell, perhaps a couple drops of brooding for heightened dramatic effect, as par for the course.

  7. she's not. i'd never put her in a fucking magazine. her bouncy personality makes it even worse.

    i want my models coked out and arrogant.

    i like the ones who are coked out and arrogant but still maintain some semblance of a human body, physically speaking

  8. can't rep robi, but good look. it does not look too studied - if there's one general criticism i have of most modern style (pretty much 95% of everywhere), everything looks a bit too calculated and labored over.

  9. I'm quite different in real life, not exactly serious, but moreso than I must seem.

    Plus I like Latin roots.

    naw man i dig that latin roots thing, and only goin by pictures we can judge based on a very surface glance

    but when i think gravitas i don't really think 'serious'...that might be the latin meaning? Not familiar...i associate the word more with 'presence' and i dunno, the pics just don't project that very well.

    then again the fuck do i know, my pics aren't exactly Javier Bardem by Bruce Weber either.

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