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Posts posted by Augustus

  1. when you think of something funny while alone in public and really need to laugh. i usually just take out my phone and pretend i got a funny text

    This.Sometimes I need to bite my tongue to stop myself from bursting into laughter in the middle of the street.

  2. I was helping out a customer set up a network at his crib for my part-time and when I entered his living room, I noticed he had a glock sitting on the table with an ammo box next to it. I stared at it for a good couple of secs and then I immediately noticed the owner watching me. He then placed the weapon somewhere else. Probably a cop, but awkward yo.

  3. I'm 5'6", 135 pounds.

    I've got a baby-face too so I wear slimmer clothing because baggy clothing would make me look like a 14 year old or some shit.

    Mostly black slim jeans and Japanese brands. I'm usually a small in Japanese brands and extra small in European. Don't know if any of that shit even helped.

    Same here, but im 5'7 130 lbs. I tried on some xs shirts from apc the other day and most fitted a tad too big :(

  4. during my cigarette break from work yesterday i was sitting along broadway in soho and watched, bewildered, as what looked like a buddhist monk or something of the sort (old asian guy with shaved head in typical flowy brownish garb) passed me by carrying two full chanel shopping bags while sporting murdered out af1 lows.

    i didnt know what to make of the situation, but i liked it

    ran into the same guy last week on canal. In addition to the af1s, he was also rocking some funky glasses.

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