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Posts posted by Augustus

  1. Quick question regarding the healing process.

    Got the tattoo on the 22nd of May and it's black/grey. The skin is now settling in very smoothly (been using aquaphor (first 3 days) and moved onto Lubriderm). I also wash it maybe twice a day etc.

    I had maybe a handful of small scabs develop where it's most black and they naturally fell out in the shower. There is now a shiny patch where it originally was and there is still black ink underneath. Is this the 2nd lair of skin that will peel off? Also does it take some time for it to fade out?


  2. Roommate and his gf don't realize im in my room upstairs high as shit and now they are arguing and I can hear some shouting. I also want to order pizza, but it's pretty bad down there. fuuu

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