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Posts posted by Augustus

  1. Looking back at my days in middle school... I just remembered that the school had everyone write their future ambitions etc on a piece of paper and have it buried in a case in front of the school, under a pole. The school doesn't exist anymore, but the pole is still there. TO DIG OR NOT TO DIG

  2. this.

    on a similar note. I was dumb and chewing on a pencap the other day, and jammed the fuck out of my inner lower lip with it. Hurt pretty bad and obviously formed a huge contusion / canker sore like thing ,so now it hurts to fucking eat anything. I did this like a week ago and it is still here!! (albeit almost gone at this point). so awful

    It's worse when a small canker sore decides to grow the next day and it's almost visible when you speak. ughh

  3. My mom is freaking out after my sister accidentally told her about my tattoo in a heated argument back home. Feels bad man, but she seems somewhat over it last time I spoke with her. :(

  4. The only time I was almost jumped was at my own house party. Some random dude walks in and threatens to steal my shit until my roommate pulls out his blade to his throat. I think he almost shat his pants and left trembling.

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