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Posts posted by Augustus

  1. ^ lol at this one club my friend and I DJed at, he ended the night with that track. There were only a few people left and eventually most of them left, but we came up with a stupid dance for the tune and others followed. One of the funniest gigs I had.

  2. indeed i do. haha, I was quite drunk when I posted that. Back to reality where i keep said unisex fragrance (at least I can use it) and do nothing in regards to the girl.

    Sure you were. You need to learn to live with regrets.

  3. I completely disagree. Because nothing is just wrong, there is always a grey area, and in this case, that grey area is that that guy stealing vodka from an enormous corporation is not going to affect them in any way. where as that guy stealing from a small mom and pop shop might risk the proprietors livelihood and there in become more than just simple theft. I don't think it needs to become political. It's kind of like......"if I saw a guy throw a rock at a battleship, I wouldn't care...but if I saw a guy throw a rock at a car I would" not because I think the battleship is an apparatus of a criminal military but because it is just not going to be affected by a rock, where as the car would.

    It seems like you are just looking for the discipline of absolutes.I don't really agree with the don't snitch concept....there are things I would completely 100% snitch on...and you can ask the same question "at what point does something become snitch-worthy?"

    everything is open to interpretation, and in my interpretation, stealing from a huge corporation isn't a big deal at all.

    edit: I don't completely disagree with you, I see where you are coming from...I was just clearing up that I wasn't arguing for classist based theft, rather reasonable acceptance of theft as collateral damage of the captolist system we live in that should be accepted within reason. with myself thinking that stealing some booze from a big corporation is within reason.

    Grey area? cmon man. You sound like you have no clue how business works. Stealing is a beta thing to do.

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