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Posts posted by Stacks

  1. theres one other guy in my school who does this, and we just look at each others jeans when we walk past each other in the hallway, not saying a single word... been like this for 6 months now

    Haha that's great.

    I was riding the MARTA back from the ATL airport and was all alone in a train car with a hypebeast. Eyeballed my sammies for 30 minutes or so before I got off the train.

    Nothing was said;

    Nothing needed to be said.

  2. Point taken, but that's how they look like when you see them in sunlight the blue pops a lot more and so does the white because I've worn them down to the core in many areas so I upped the exposure for everyone to see. Too many ppl here like to play internet cop (not only on this thread) not pointing fingers at you or hating or w/e just saying.

    Definitely, and I don't think anyone is freaking out that you upped the exposure, but I think the better option is always just to take photos in broad daylight.

    They look real good though, you should take more pics if you can be bothered.

  3. hurts to look at :(

    edit: I guess that was too harsh, I just can't imagine that the fades were that bad.

    Then again, there are tons of s5000s out there, so yours are unique.

  4. if you're going to have them touch water ever you should soak right away. Wear them into the tub or some shit so they don't shrink up to the point you can't get them on.

    Or sell them and size up 1 if the fit is too small.

  5. Well buying from self edge promotes a small business in a struggling US economy and thus makes a contribution toward a better tomorrow. as for 2nd... it'll need a proxy, and that takes too long. Self edge all the way! :D

    Haha this reasoning would work if Self Edge wasn't importing all the jeans from Japan anyway :D

    The wholesale value of the pair of jeans you buy is still going to Japan, the marked up profit, however, will stay domestic.

  6. It seems all the good SExI04s have massive distressing along the back of the top block.

    What's the deal? Is it from falling on your ass while skateboarding? Whenever I bite it I tend to go down forward/on my side.

  7. It's really not that hard. Write what you want in very simple english then use an online translator to convert to japanese, then reconvert to English to make sure it says what you want it to say.

    This is what I wrote last time, they understood it and got back to me and everything went smooth as silk.

    Subject: USA English Order


    [i would like to order]

    [Model number]



    [i would like to pay with Paypal]

    [how much total?]

    [thank you]

  8. i just got picked up a pair of 22oz iron heart superblacks and am kinda bored with them compared to my 710's. like what everyone else said samurai puts love into detail and have alot of character to them. coming home to read all this 24 oz. talk just made me stoked beyond belief i will be buying.

    Just curious, how does the superblacks denim feel, stiff or soft like the other IH denim? I think IH's biggest advantage over Samurai is that their 21oz's are soft in a way that I don't think my Samurai's will ever be (SExIH01s v. S5000vx's for instance). Not to say that I don't like the roughness of Sams, but some of these IHs feel like pajamas.

  9. More durability and I just personally like the feel of heavier denim on my legs.

    I think it's really hard to go back once you've tried 21oz to anything less than 19.

    As for those 24oz, that'd be an instant purchase for me, so I hope they take their time and I can make more progress with my ai's.

    Denim Armor!

  10. As promised,


    I wouldn't use these as a reference if you managed to find a pair to buy for yourself, though. I would have enjoyed going true to size if that was possible, but no such luck.

    And cause I'm sure someone will ask - they're called freeline skates, and they move like this

  11. whoa whoa guys yeah, I wish I could have went true to size but as technicolor said, limited edition denim so I took what I could get.

    To be honest, they fit me like 710s, but it's definitely a 510 cut just sized down with the waist stretched out.

  12. Forced to size down a good deal actually due to extremely limited stock, but got to try them on at BiG and they fit good enough thigh down initially to risk it and hope they would stretch. The waist has stretched out since.

    I'll snap a fit pic tomorrow in the light but no doubt they are on the slimmer side.

    I can take additional pics if there's interest but not trying to spam.

  13. nah dude... you gotta have a routine for it. not every day or every week, but more like once ever 2/3 weeks. Ryu's shit was amazing and he washed his shit like every week or something. it all depends on how you wash it.

    trying something new isn't necessarily ruining something...

    I'm sick of same fade shit

    For what it's worth, I think Ryu washed his jeans once a month, not once a week. I'm just saying on the last page you said both "comon dude... walk to your mailbox every once in a while you might get more intense fades :/" and "don't want to see the same old shit all the time."

    Agree to disagree, but I'm of the opinion that if you don't want to see "the same old shit" you need to risk your own denim trying new things, not pushing other people to do it for you.

    Maybe this came off more aggressive than I meant it to, but I don't think I've ever seen a well faded pair of jeans on this forum and been bored. Even if the pair isn't torn to shreds, it's a little different from every other pair which is interesting in and of itself.

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