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Posts posted by lotek01

  1. in the city the other night i passed a bunch of drunk black guys and they called me a "hong kong nigga". i don't know what to make of that, but i'm taking that as my hip hop stage name.

  2. downside to smelling nice:

    i work in a lab, but closely with the factory as well. the other day this guy at the factory stopped me when i was making my rounds and said "you smell nice". disturbing.

    not-hot KAG coworker has also mentioned this several times and is giving me more attention than i'm comfortable with.

    fyi, i'm wearing L' Instant De Guerlain.

    anyway, not sure if it's been discussed in this thread yet but anyone here tried/use/smelt CB I Hate Perfume? Intrigued but don't really see how it'd work IRL.

  3. ESS Laboratory have a few nice scarves (they're not on the blog)... I just popped in yesterday. One I particularly like is this chunky, super comfy alpaca wool grey one similar to the above one. I'd made up my mind on a patterned Faliero Sarti one (trawling through rakuten every now and then) so I didn't get any or check price points, but I think they're worth having a look.

  4. Coffee update: Market Lane > Seven Seeds. Seven Seed's espresso and clover was good, their milk handling was poor so the flat white i got was so bad i literally threw it out). Market Lane is amazing but apparently when it's crowded the quality drops.

    65 degrees has the best coffee in the city IMO. Switchboard isn't bad too but hard to find.

    It's really cold + windy out today.

  5. i would be really really worried if that was a mosquito

    i hate the process of fixing a fucked up computer and resintalling an OS. my primary hard drive died and i have about 5 hours of free time per day with my current work shift and all of it is going into fixing this shit.

  6. any of you guys know much about fabric dyeing? i want to dye a pair of pants from olive to super pitch black. thinking of buying dylon hand dyes. pants are 95% cotton 5% poly i think. tips would be great.

    remember to add salt. polyester doesn't pick up the dye you're using iirc, so you might not be able to get that super pitch black you want, although the low percentage might allow it to. also, assuming the threads used are polyester threads (which are pretty common), those probably won't get too dark either, if it picks up the dye at all. and assuming it's a fairly heavy fabric like denim, you might want to use 2 packets.

    there are separate dyes for the synthetic fibres but i don't know if they're as easily available where you're getting yours from.

    my suggestion is just dyeing it once and living with the drkshdw colour you'd probably get :D

  7. damn me too been on a scarf search for aaaages. i missed out on 2 batches of norse projects scarves from heist store and am real pissed about that cos i saw it once, slept on it, and they were sold out every other time i went back.

    if you want that sarti don't wait too long melvin, i know a bunch of people who are eyeing that! sarti scarves look light but they insulate pretty well, esp that silk/wool blend should be perfect for here

    i've also decided to just wait till the perfect sarti scarf appears cos i really only want a sarti but in a non-black which is rare on sufu/sz. love the ones on museum ark the most but the ones i really like are sold out arrghghh

  8. ahaha, i actually have no issues with the seven seeds statement cos they're hella good, and iirc proud mary gets their beans from there too. proud mary's quality really depends on whether nolan's making it or not though...

    just checked out market lane online too and that definitely seems promising.

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