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Posts posted by lotek01

  1. ^the animation is so dope. everything maasaki yuasa does is beyond good

    real talk! when i first watched mind game i ended up re-watching it 3 more times consecutively over the next 2 days.


  2. U mad monster is beautiful. It does take a while to get used to his distinctive art style but I can't think of a more suitable one for his stories.

    In general I think the best animes are those with a fixed run vs ongoing ones like bleach etc. I can't think of any now cos I'm at work other than Last Exile which was the first that came to mind. Eden of the east is pretty good. Mushishi? I dunno

  3. My problem with western rpgs is they continually have some of the worst art direction you can lay your eyes on and as an artist/illustrator that kind of shit bugs the hell out of me. but theyre generally not pussed out storyplots, just tired medieval/northern euro settings that feel like theyre designed for people who can't get their heads out of lord of the ring's asshole?

    Seriously check planescape torment. Art style takes a little getting used to esp if you're used to jrpg's but the setting and story is the best and most novel ever

    There have been decent jrpgs on the ds not including the fantastic remakes but definitely more old school. But yeah would love a big budget one of ff6.'s calibre but unlikely cos no one has the patience for stuff that isn't flashy and shallow.

  4. Hasn't been a REALLY good JRPG lately, the kind that really sticks with you. Last great ones were Persona 3 and 4 I think, but the setting's pretty unconventional for the genre, but maybe that's why they were outstanding. Any current-gen ones that are decent? Haven't got a single RPG on my PS3... Thinking of Eternal Sonata. My favourites are still the 16-bit era ones back when the only console I could afford were SNES emulators (ie free) and the PS1 ones, when graphics still weren't the primary selling point.

    Don't give up on western RPG's though. Planescape: Torment is my no. 1 game/story of all time.

    Also, RE: Square making pussy main chars, I'd read somewhere that it's because it's just what RPG fans in Japan prefer or something, in an interview about why the FFXII main char is a 15 year old pansy. I think they just keep trying to replicate the success of FFVII.

  5. whole lee shit

    Monster and 7 billion needles are fucking awesome. I gotta buy the next couple of issues instead of one.. I can't handle waiting

    Watch the monster anime! It's like over 70 episodes but you wont

    be able to stop till it's over

  6. damn i'm late. i just wanna post one more:


    ok anyway, is no one realising what a fucking solid performance TVXQ's newfound duo-dom is? choreography is so tight, new single is fucking awesome both in composition and delivery and they sound perfect live.


  7. uhghhhhh... blade of the immortal

    im typing wit onscreenkeyboard

    oh yeah i remember you passed me the link a while ago. haven't followed it for a while but will check that shit out now!

    Also, I don't need to have read Astro Boy to get into Pluto, right?

    i didn't, just wiki'd it briefly which helped.

  8. finished Pluto over the weekend. the chapters leading to the ending felt a bit rushed, but overall it's one of the best series i've ever read

    can't rep but fuck yeah pluto is soooooo good! for those who don't know, it's a retelling of the final arc (?) of Astro Boy by Naoki Urasawa (20th century boys, monster etc... both of which are also must-reads) and supervised by Osamu Tezuka's son. Covers similar themes to Blade Runner but done in a much much much better way.

    i caught up in botm... that manga makes me so fucking anxious... its getting so good

    what manga's that acronym?

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