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Posts posted by lotek01

  1. watching Peggy Sue next!

    recently watched Captain Corelli's Mandolin, where we got most of the footage for the vid from. He has this excellent Italian accent that sometimes kinda changes to a German accent and is generally beautifully subtle in his character's charming confidence.


    Also, i really wish i could've seen him in his booth when we was recording for G-force. watched the whole film and didn't even know it was him.


  2. Shit I hear ya, then sometimes I go a couple weeks without buyin anything and feelin real good so I eat out a few more nights or go on a munchies binge or something and it's all gone again

    A lot of times i have no idea where it all goes to, have a feeling it's better to cop jawns more so at least I have something physical as proof of where the hell my money is

  3. Sigh, so apparently after getting all excited about getting

    this, I ended up getting a different model. The main difference is that the colours are more blue than pink (see below), and the straps are black.

    Unfortunately even though this colourway is still great, I haven't really worn black since 2009 so it doesn't go with anything I own.





    It's in pretty much perfect condition and I haven't used it yet. Sorry for shitty pics. Colour is probably closest to the first (background is off-white). Also, it's made of a cotton/hemp blend if you're into that sorta thing.


  4. Marfanoid body

    = long thin arms that nearly reach my knees, chicken legz, laxity in all my joints so they bend in weird ways, just generally skinny overall but kinda flabby cos of looser skin aka the infamous skinny-fat body type

    Luckily I don't have the facial characteristics like that Deerhunter du

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