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Posts posted by RFKorp

  1. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7522952.stm

    NZ judge orders 'odd' name change

    A judge in New Zealand made a young girl a ward of court so that she could change the name she hated - Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii.

    Judge Rob Murfitt said that the name embarrassed the nine-year-old and could expose her to teasing.

    He attacked a trend of giving children bizarre names, citing several examples. Officials had blocked Sex Fruit, Keenan Got Lucy and Yeah Detroit, he said, but Number 16 Bus Shelter, Violence and Midnight Chardonnay had been allowed.

    One mother wanted to name her child O.crnia using text language, but was later persuaded to use Oceania, he said.

    'Social handicap'

    The ruling, in the city of New Plymouth on the North Island, was handed down in February but only made public now. o.gif

    The name issue emerged during a custody hearing for the young girl - who had refused to tell her friends her name and went simply by "K".

    "The court is profoundly concerned about the very poor judgment which this child's parents have shown in choosing this name," Judge Murfitt wrote.

    "It makes a fool of the child and sets her up with a social disability and handicap, unnecessarily."

    Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii's name has now been changed and the custody case resolved, court officials said. New Zealand does not allow names that would cause offence or that are longer than 100 characters, Registrar-General Brian Clarke said.

    Officials often tried to talk parents out of particularly unusual choices that could embarrass their offspring, the Associated Press news agency quoted him as saying.

  2. one of my friends was a porno camera man...and then became a hardcore christian afterwards

    word bolded for pun-tastic emphasis.

    Well, I did work as a porn "model" once upon a time too.... Still talk to that director once in a while, though he's quit the business.

  3. Yeah, there isn't a "safe" way to do that stuff but "damage" is also a relative term.

    Traditional Corean pansori training is all about working yourself until your vocal cords are all torn up and bleeding and then continuing to sing through all that pain until they re-heal stronger. But western medicine and musical tradition will both try to tell you that's insane.

  4. Yeah, he'd probably be better solo nowadays. Cecil pretty much played each "improvisation" from a sort of graphic score on the piano in front of him and Oxley just had to try to follow along. Wasn't a very interactive duo. Which struck me as pretty weird considering the two of them have been playing together quite a lot since at least the 80s. But so it goes.

  5. Totally didn't realize this show started already. Gotta go find a download of episode 1....

    I love the way David Simon approaches sound and music in The Wire. Supposedly there's gonna be absolutely no score in Generation Kill. Only even music when the soldiers sing. Which is an idea I'm really into.

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