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Posts posted by RFKorp

  1. Fried chicken wings and french fries drenched in hotsauce from one of those takeout chinese joints. Man.... so bad for the body but so good for the soul. And I'm in totally the wrong neighborhood to get that kind of food today.

  2. 1039610.jpg

    Any good? Sound more like recent Medeski/Martin/Wood or have they reverted to their early downtownier ways for Zorn's sake? Something else entirely? Or does it just sound like another damn Masada album?

    meanwhile, myself:


    Michel Chion, Lionel Marchetti, Jérôme Noetinger: Les 120 Jours

  3. I can't decide if this is now my official policy or just a current condition, but I seem to only post fits when somebody else happens to photograph me.

    Not the most flattering pose and it looks like I've put on some weight on this job.... But so it goes. Time to go back to smoking for lunch.


  4. sorry for the cut and paste blurb... free show in nyc tonight. i have inexplicably never seen the ex before (who are supposed to be epic live) so i'm looking forward to it.




    August 20th

    Lincoln Center/Damrosch Park Bandshell

    W 62nd Street & Amsterdam, Manhattan

    6:00-10:00 PM

    Free to the Public

    Produced by Lincoln Center in collaboration with WFMU Radio.

    Part of WFMU's 50th Anniversary celebrations, and its Free Concert Series.

    UGH. Why am I stuck in PA when The Ex are playing !!?!?!?!?!!!

  5. I'm in a band with a guy who has a humpty dumpty lamp. We always get really drunk instead of playing any music and start reciting lyrics from that song. But those two lines "my nose is big, big like a picke" and "I once got busy in a burger king bathroom" are pretty much all we ever know....

    Nevertheless. Every time.

    I present the humpty lamp as evidence. Unfortunately he doesn't have much of a nose. We've often thought of fixing that problem.


  6. do they make outties anymore?

    I haven't seen an outtie since I was in preschool.

    I was about to say this too. When I was really little I feel like a lot of kids had outies. But I haven't ever seen one since....

  7. Whether you say BYOB or not, the same people who would BTOB will and the people who wouldn't won't. But it doesn't hurt to write it.

    And since the address doesn't have a "name" it can be assumed it's a house party. Hell I know some house party serieses that have even given themselves names like they're real club events too....

    Short story: everything should be a house party.

  8. I just realized I've never participated in this thread. And it's absolutely boggling my mind how I didn't notice it. I've got a lot of detailed opinions that could respond to specific points from months ago. But I'm just gonna make a long personal post instead.

    On a PC, your editing needs are covered beautifully by a combination of Vegas for multi-tracking and Soundforge for single track editing. The programs are both excellent and talk very well to each other.

    On a mac, I recommend a similarly structured combination of Digital Performer and Peak. DP is a fantastic program. I'd do all my work in it if I could. But I work professionally in a field where everyone lives and dies by ProTools. So I've gotta split my time so I don't get rusty on the other program. Which is a shame. Though ProTools is finally starting to get better maybe.

    I'll also say Logic is a pretty great program too for multi-track editing and sequencing and all that. But I dunno. There's something a little less intuitive about it than DP for me. Others feel the opposite. I say try them out and decide for yourself.

    Also of note: both Logic and DP will produce sheet music off of any midi data you record. So you'll have notes on a page as well as playback. But if you want to make PRETTY sheet music, you've gotta get a copy of Sibelius. I've made some seriously silly experimental scores using that program. Big white spaces, staves with too many lines, whatever. It can customize to lay out your notes in whatever manner you think communicates them to a performer. Also, although I haven't confirmed this for sure, I think the latest version of Sibelius will sync up with other high end sample libraries like the Vienna Symphonic Orchestra and shit and you can make the playback from that program sound pretty hot even if still a bit mechanical.

    Now... onto more performative software. I use Live a lot as a sound playback system in theater. Very customizable and controllable if you're just playing things back and need them to loop and need these to stop when that starts and this to auto-follow that and whatever. The other thing it is AMAZING at is working as a live signal processor. Feed it audio from some external mic or instrument or whatever, load it up with plugins on lots of effect send channels, and you can do some amazing work. I made a shitton of recordings that way between 2004 and 2007. It eventually got a little old as a primary shtick but it's still a valuable tool in my arsenal.

    Then there are the REALLY customizable programs. Supercollider, Max/MSP, Reaktor, etc. I love what Max is capable of but it's not the most user friendly program unless you're already into PROGRAMMING. Reaktor for example on the other hand is much more graphically intuitive. And not quite as infinitely capable. But there's also one other very important difference. The audio that Max outputs sort of sounds like crap. Very cold and digital. Which sometimes is what you might want. But it has none of the warmth one tends to be looking for when making a software synth. Reaktor on the other hand produces that sound very well.

    And lastly, re: the epic mac vs pc debate that can never help but happen. Let me say this... my IBM Thinkpad held up to anything I threw at it. I mixed some insanely processor heavy shit on there and it didn't miss a beat. Sure, I completely fried my motherboard after 2 years but that's what the warrantee is for. My Macbook Pro couldn't handle SHIT. Everything crashes and shuts down under the same pressure that the Thinkpad handled like a champ. If you're willing to shell out the dough, the Mac Pro that I use for work lately blows the rest of it out of the water, but I wouldn't be surprised if you could build a PC that does it just as well for less money.

    And I couldn't figure out where to put this in so I'll tag it onto the end of the post, but I've lately been using EZDrummer in order to program drum parts on music when I know that I don't have the right kit or style to set up mics and play them myself. Pretty excellent piece of software.

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