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Posts posted by RFKorp

  1. COCO...love the last two..was the room lit with all those colors?

    That's one of the rooms in the Olafur Eliason exhibit recently (still?) at MoMA. So yes, the room was lit up in all those colors. And they were moving.

    edit: but yeah, those are a couple of particularly nice captures. There's something even more magical about those still moments than I actually felt in the room when I visited myself.

    edit 2: would rep if I could.

  2. Found out at the last possible moment that the great Bob Log III was in town playing at Southpaw. A friend of mine was sitting in on drums for part of the set and wanted help documenting it. Great gig. Hadn't had a chance to see Bob play since before Doo Rag broke up.

    God damnit Brooklyn, be my ocean!

    edit: also, on the way there, I gave up my seat on the subway to an HIV positive car theif who had just come from a hospital visit during the day after spending the night before in lockup where he got into a fight that left him with only one lens in his glasses. He told me some great stories until I had to get off the Q.

  3. confessional: i am a very, very large fan of sonic youth. i've got (almost) all of their albums and some ~25 live recordings of sets.

    confession: even though I'm deep into experimental music and noise and all that, I've never actually even listened to more than a couple minutes of Sonic Youth (sure I've seen Thurston and Lee and even Jim O'Rourke play thought none ever together). Maybe the only complete song I've heard was the one Richard Kern made that music video for. But I always just tell people that I'm not so into the band although I've actually never bothered to give them a fair chance....

  4. Yeah, it was a student band. But still. Of those whose work I know outside of the Braxton context, I have a great deal of respect for Mary Halvorson, Jessica Pavone, Aaron Siegel, Andrew Raffo Dewar, and James Fei regardless of whether they studied with and/or continue to play with the man. I was surprised Matt Welch didn't make it into the roster for that round of gigs since he's the right era of student... might have to ask him about that some time.

  5. oh shit. the Braxtonese! That's something I never got the hang of either. Dude writes like he came from a planet even further out than Sunny Blount. I need a translating dictionary to parse the syntax.

  6. speaking of Braxton. I've actually been working my way through the Iridium box lately (finally). Some great parts (make me wish I had checked it out in person) and some parts that bore the shit out of me. Did he really need to release the entire residency?

    Dude's definitely deserving of the respect he gets but the academic approach to documentation with putting out such an overabundance of records gets tiring sometimes....

  7. In 3rd grade swim class we used to take turns running out of the boys locker room naked, with our stiffies in full glory, run around the poolside area in front of everyone really quickly, and then run back into the change room cackling with joy.

    Isn't this part of everyone's childhood? Running around naked with the other guys until summer camp counselors wrangled us up after like 2nd and 3rd grade swim classes was an essential part of growing up.

    edit: this just made me remember something I hadn't thought of in forever. There was this one indian kid there with us who was uncircumsized. Nobody understood at the time why his dick looked so different but we all thought his anteater-looking cock was really cool anyway.... This just sounds weird though. Maybe I shouldn't post it.

  8. I think that all sounds good, apart from that last thing, and that's actually something I never understood about movie adaptations.

    I think leaving characters out is one thing, but coming up with new ones is a whole other...

    The way I see it, the Watchmen story in all its glory WON'T translate to film if they try to duplicate it exactly. Like many adaptations, when you change the medium other things must be changed in order to keep the art as strong. Just a question of whether they change it in ways that support the point of the story or not.

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