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Posts posted by FrugalPlayer

  1. did anyone else just watch Betty White on the Daily Show say how she won't do drug jokes because she doesn't think drugs are funny?.....immediately followed by a promo for her new show where she makes a joke about smoking weed? i'm just sayin.......

  2. any recommendations for good online image references for japanese back pieces? or artists who have a lot of back pieces in their online portfolios?

    looking for inspiration - something that would flow well with my other work (hannya and snake, skulls, severed head and snake)

    peep Shige at Yellowblaze Tattoo. the link is somewhere buried in this thread

  3. ^ looks like another expensive and glossy pair of vans

    a REALLY expensive pair of vans.

    BTW my ISDT boots from last season are starting to fall apart at the soles after about a dozen or so wears. i know i can get them fixed but it pisses me off.

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