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Posts posted by BBC

  1. I hate when your on a date, or chilling out with a girl, and your balls get really really itchy! What the fuck do you do! Dang, it happened today, they got that itchy to the point of pain!

  2. +1 for Ueno, denimz is everywhere!

    To add to the list, Warehouses shop is in Omotesando on Cat Street. If you coming from Omotesando Street where Chanel is, it's not too far down on the right side.

    I also found a shop that stock a lot of Stormy Blue and a few other less hyped brands just up the street. If you come back up Omotesando Street and go down a small, pathed street that has a shoe shop on one side, and a Kangol hat shop on the other. It's on the left. Opposite is an awesome bar, that serves beers for 390 yen and some awesome bar food. I'm always sessioning this bar!

    If you travel a little further down the street, you will come across the Studio D'Artisan shop on your right. It's on level B1, but you should see a huge pair of jeans on the railing.

    This street eventually connects to Cat Street. When it does, there is a fruit shop on one corner.

  3. Bleh....I just put my s710bks in for a second hot soak....I'll probably take fit pics after this, but the length isn't working for me....I really should have got them hemmed from BiG....but I rather have other opinions to help....

    You can always get them hemmed post soak.

  4. it probably wasn't sneaky, just so you know.

    Never said I was a whitey. But I know what your saying.

    For the record, it was discete, Loop has a very dark dance floor and they were sneaky.

    Honestly, I won't hate a guy thats getting play if they both average. It just levels the playing field and makes less competition for me. To be honest, getting a number doesn't mean anything, nor does making-out/kisses with a girl at a club. You do this, you're shooting PAR. Hell you can take a girl home and the whole nine years you're STILL SHOOTING PAR. But show me a man that can grab a 9/10 and produce two solid dates, interest, romance, etc. and I'LL SHOW U A B.A.L.L.A.

    Really? For me the numbers and getting the first date it the hard but, it's all down hill from there. But I aint no B.A.L.L.A.

    Do you mean 'the whole nine yards'?

  5. Help me to deside witch size a should buy for my S0500XX. I wear a size 34 in all my jeans and in my first par of japanese jeans my Studio D'artisan 103 I wear size 34. What size should I buy in S0500XX? Should I size down one?


    Why not go 34?

  6. Hit up a couple of clubs for the first time on the weekend. Went to Wedge which was cool. Small and not many people there, but great sound system.

    Then went to Loop on Sunday. Shit it was good!!! Pretty much all Japanese there, really hot ladies, really easy to work some magic. Got a few sneaky kisses on the dance floor and a few numbers. Would recommend that place, nice and intimate.

  7. Thanks arem, good info.

    I've always found that agitation shrinks denim more than a soak. That's why I usually soak and then throw them in to the washing machine to get as much shrinking out as possible. I soak for about 3 hours with two water changes (less or more if needed) mainly to get as much of the starch out of the fibres as possible.

    The way I see it, jeans will shrink once the dry starched cotton fibres get wet. Starch is removed at a molecular level and the yarn can 'relax' for the first time, leading to shrinking and twisting (loosening). However, a starch coating tends to protect the cotton fibre from water. If you drip a few drops onto brand new raw denim, the water tends to bead off like oiled leather. So a hot soak works better than a cold soak and agitating the denim will cause it to be fully hydrated, getting the most shrinkage out as possible.

    Sounds logical. What about when you use a dryer though, I've personally found that produced a lot of shrinkage, in Sam's at least.

    Find, great fit!

  8. after 1 hour of htot soak ( hottest on tap)

    and hang dry

    Why only 1 hour? Don't think that's long enough dude. I did 1 hour with the first pair I had that didn't fit. Didn't do much. I did a 4 - 5 hour soak, changing the water 3 or 4 time with my current 5000vx and they moved a lot more.

  9. Just search in the 'search this thread' button at the top of the page instead of browsing each page, that will take forever! These are the only ones I could find.

    ok dudes heres my first pair of dry denim and my first pair of jeans that are this fitted (you probably cant imagine rescues fitted but they are pretty fitted on me). I cant decide if I like the fit or not, something keeps telling me they are too fitted for my frame and makes me look topheavy, my plan b is return these and get some 19oz Sammies which should be a bit looser throughtout. Am I just too used to loose pants or are these actually too tight on me?

    Oh and my specs:

    6'5" 230 pounds with a laser/rocket arm




  10. I don't look down on them just because they are dark, but because a lot of the jobs they do are shady. Anybody trying to make a living doing security or custodial work is legit, but anyone pawing at girls who walk down the street trying to pull them in a club, or barking about some shitty sneakers I told you I don't want ...then I start wishing you weren't around.

    Same way I don't like certain eikawa kids who are only here because they can't get a job or get laid in the western hemisphere. Same way I don't like frat boy bankers who can't pronounce To-KI-O and think they are hot shit because a handful of gold digging J-girls want to be their girlfriend/english partner.

    From where I'm sitting, none of these groups bring anything to the table.

    This is the smartest thing anyone has said in the last 2 pages.

  11. No. I like it cuz it keep out dumb idiots.

    Is it really that difficult to defriend a Japanese female to get into a club?

    Racism is everywhere.

    Beside why do you wanna get into a place where no one wants you anyways?

    There are plenty of foreign friendly clubs in Tokyo...

    That's what I'm saying bro, racism is everywhere, and it sucks. First time I experienced it when I came here and it didn't get to me for a while, but now it's starting to wear away at me.

    Anyway, who gives a shit, not planning on going anyway, just think it's pretty wack.

    Oh, Yellow was jammed on Saturday, going to suck when that place closes.

  12. Just to be more specific about harlem, foreign males cannot get in without a Japanese female.

    They are also incredibly strict about this. I went with some friends who know some people who work there, but I didn't know if I was going until right before, so I didn't get on the list. We holla at 2 girls outside the am/pm to go in with us, and they agree. The fucking door guy (rightfully) asks us if we actually know each other from beforehand, say yes, then he asks the girls if they even know my name. They don't, we get turned away.

    But yeah, harlem isn't a bad place, but don't go with the purpose of a cheap hookup.

    Hahaha, nice creativity. That policy is such bullshit, imagine trying to let that slip in the western world, no Asians in my club, unless they have a white girl on their arm.

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