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Posts posted by BBC

  1. Presenting my raw Nudie Straight Svens. Worn everyday for 11 months. One cold water wash done at 10.5 months.

    I'm very happy with how the jeans have turned out. I'm wondering though, do you guys think I should have done a hot wash instead of cold? The fades I got were good but not as dramatic as I expected. I also don't get why the jeans still look so damn dirty (especially on the front) after having been washed. Maybe at 12 months I'll do a hot wash and semi-retire them? Gotta get to work on the AW Cougars :)


    If you have a look on the previous page you will see my 6 month straight svens with only 2 or 3 days wear a week. I was suprised yours didn't look better after a wash because that's when mine really popped!

    The things we did differently was that I hot hand washed and you cold machine washed. The amount of shit that came out of mine when I washed was incredible. I'm glad they didn't get a machine wash as they would of only been washed in all that shitty water, probably making them dirtier! It took 6 to 10 fresh batches with no soap to get all the brown out, then about the same to get all the indigo out. Then I used soap and got a little more out. I would recommend next wash do it hot, by hand and get all the shit out

    before you dry them.

  2. good news lot 11 samurai jeans wont have the lot 10 ( later ones ) size problems!!!! my s710bk's came in today.. perfect! 34 is really a 35 1/2 pre soak

    Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't the lot refer to the type of denim? So wouldn't the type of denim vary between black and indigo versions of the same cut?

    Also, besides actually measuring, how do you know if you have early or late lot 10's? It's not like the date is on it or anything.

    I have lot 10 s5000vx, how would I be able to tell if they were from the dud sizing run of jeans? It doesn't matter, they fit nice, I'm just curious.

  3. I know they are only Nudies and no one cares for them, but I love how these have finally turned out!


    Pictures are pre and post wash. Handwashed in HOT water with Samurai soap after 6 months weekend wear. The first water shot was the colour after the first few batches of new water, and the second water shot was after a dozen or so fresh batches of water. That water was dank!

  4. that patch went out less than a few weeks later. i took them to a local tailor who wouldn't accept a swatch off vintage Lee denim or purple bandana to patch it with, saying they have a closer color of denim to patch it with. i should have left with the pants there and then, but that tired Korean's face left me some confidence I can't explain plainly.

    combs and shit

    an 18 year old just left an 18 year old size hole in my heart. someone say something nice about my pants.

    Dang bro, you sound depressed, you'll be aight!

    + rep for the contrast, have you even washed them because they are much darker than a lot of the others, I'm impressed.

  5. That soap stinks!!! I picks some up the other day but haven't used it yet. How does it go? How much did you use? When you open the box, it looks like a block of coke or something the way it's packaged! Hahaha.

  6. The Skull, that's the one on the second floor right? And the APC is the one opposite Head Porter? Yeah stepping in there had me disoriented for a bit.


    Well the dude in the Skull shop hardly even looked up when I went in. Maybe if I purchased something it might of been a bit different.

  7. This dude just drops into the Dior Homme page and starts ripping everyone and everything! Total noobery at it's funniest!

    i posted because i dont like snobs. the manager in LA was a short time ago. the extreem douche in NYC was today.

    why would they know about superfuture?

    why would i mention it?

    if your (i'll use your words) retarded enough to ask.

    because this is the preimminent place showcasing DH like this fucknut.

    i'm a little surprised you didnt already know that yet you ask anyway as if some sort of sorry attempt at humiliation.

    you abuse me because they were dicks? your a fucking little bitch.

    did you think i would just take your bitch ass douchebag abuse?

    why would you insult someone like that? i ask you for your help? youve got to be a tawdry little ho. ive never wronged you yet you insult me? you ask me if i'm retarded? fuck you you douchebag rapist piece of shit. then you publish my private question? are you attempting to humiliate me? do you want to hurt another because you secretly are a shallow superficial shell douchebag? your a bitch. also being a snob, its a pitiful worm that thinks thats acceptable behavior. i hope no one gives this jerk anymore business. case in point? your the real retard.

    your abusing me because they were mean to me?

    your a scum to do that.

    and you know what transpired how exactly?

    what you dont and your just talking out of your french perfumed asshole?

    if you read my post it said the staff were mean to me.

    who is we?

    you speak for the group?

    useless troll?

    thats you bitch.

    take a shower and use soap you fucking fraud.

    am i a retard? your asking me this??

    your mothers a retard deliverence boy.

    and i can see why its a retarded question.

    out of curiosity have you ever teabagged someone?

    based on the abuse i recieved from the rapist regarding the matter of the NYC DH employee. i think the rapist is a clinton supporter and in support of the 911 coverup/false flag lie. "as well" clinton supporters are the scum of the earth.

    am i retarded rapist?

    if you mean being in full support of the victims of 911 and against the false flag ops and all that has transpired since and against a NYC DH employee who threatened to call the cops on me for mentioning it


    Then someone in size 28's asks how long it's going to take for their jeans to stretch.

    answer: aprox. until the end of the millenium. have you tried calling jenny?

    try not wearing a size 28 when your like a 33. also do my thunder thighs look fat to you??

  8. I think its due to the price. Some people see 19 bucks for a blank tee as an exorbitant sum, but ain't no thang for those who like the fit/color/etc. Fruit of the loom is like, what?15 bucks for three?

    Does a simple print on a blank T mean you can charge $100 for it? I think that even more exorbitant. If it's good quality and fits well then what's $20?

  9. another two just simply disappeared and couldn't be contacted ever again.

    Jumped in front of the Yamanote Line?

    I have a mate that is here and is in charge of sorting that mentality out, getting them to leave work at reasonable hours. He said it's hard work trying to convice them to leave at a reasonable hour.

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