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Posts posted by beautiful_FrEaK

  1. I think Brut usually knows their stuff. But yeah, if genuine it would be a steal :D 
    But the fades look like factory fades so probably really a LVC

  2. 16 minutes ago, SLAYER said:

    chemistry my friend

    hydrogenperoxide on its own is acidic yes and may "bleach" clothing

    bleach is a base and mixed with hydrogen peroxide (acid) it neutralizes each other

    So did your bleach contain sodium hypochlorite? But if you need just acid to neutralize, I guess citric acid will be sufficient without the "risk" to bleach further?!

  3. 33 minutes ago, SLAYER said:

    hydrogen peroxide

    Hydrogen peroxide is a pretty strong bleach itself. You sure you didn't mean something else?

  4. 10 minutes ago, reallypeacedoff said:

    Since this is based on one jacket (I assume), it's safe to say that another vintage jacket (if found) could display a completely different set of inconsistencies no?

    Yes, the 1943 jacket based just on one jacket. Plenty of info in the Sugar Cane thread also plenty of videos on Clutchman TV showing the vintage pieces (2 jackets and 2 jeans, 1943 and 1946).

  5. Yet everybody (?!) on here loves and favours the more irregular denim which just replicates the imperfections of vintage denim. So we all justify to ourselves what we prefer (and that's what counts I guess).
    Is it because to sew badly is easy and to replicate imperfect denim is hard?

    We had this topic of the wonky stitching some weeks back but I didn't take part but here is my (obviously) biased view.

    When I started with raw denim and repros I favoured the perfect and neat stitching. I would have been disappointed to see sloppy sewing for the price I paid. The first model I really noticed which featured the more wonky stitchwork where the Real McCoys 003 and I didn't like it. Mainly because every pair was the same and the design of the errors wasn't very nice.
    I admit CSF started my interest in the badly sewn jeans. Everything was done on period correct machines and the errors were more natural and every pair was kinda different (if I see his newer stuff it's often pretty exaggerated and looks like a bad copy of his early work). From this point though I looked a bit different on sloppy sewing. I've got some old Denime stuff where the sewing is kinda sloppy but not on purpose and I am sure I would have been disappointed when I would have bought those in 2014 or so. Nowadays, I find it pretty neat and it's kinda my favourite part :D 
    Denime in the Orizzonti era as well had their WW2 pair with sloppy sewing (and thus it predates the Real McCoys pair I mentioned earlier) but here again: all errors are the same. Hayashi-san even went so far to replicate the same errors on his Resolute 714. And this feature I still don't like very much. 
    Why do I make an exception for Sugar Cane (and here is the justification part)? Because like I wrote earlier it's a 1:1 copy of an existing pair so kinda a perfect repro. Not a fantasy pair copied into oblivion like Denime, Resolute, Real McCoys, SDA or Full Count did in the past and do now. 


  6. Well, except for the excessive chainstitch run-offs they are a 1:1 copy of an existing Levi's jacket, so I wouldn't say they take it too far... because there is an actual jacket looking like this. No fantasy product. 

  7. Very late to the party...

    Didn't really got the info these Nike Killshot 2 became available outside of J Crew and would be available in Germany. They were even on sale.


    they will replace my Veja soon, as those are pretty hammered. Also same colorway. 

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