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Posts posted by Phyziks

  1. Hey guys, for some reason I decided to buy this even though it doesn't fit my style at all. It's a great pendant with chain, my loss is your gain. I bought it for $145.00 USD+tax+international shipping. I wore it for 2 seconds (got it today in the mail)

    Price: $130.00 USD shipped anywhere. Send paypal as a gift to avoid additional charges.


  2. http://vimeo.com/13406312

    grew up with this girl, she is all kinds of stupid.

    still, regret over not hitting that when i could have is struggling with relief that i didn't chop this glaze-eyed slattern <-- (RandR turned me onto this word)


    (what would sufu do?)

    Wow, I looked at Ana for Gemini and I fell in love.

  3. Doing the David Blaine on a girl. You start fucking a girl from behind, then pull it out and have your friend start fucking her without her knowing there was a switch. Then you go outside, and run to a window that she's facing and knock on it. I learned that from the new Big Boi album.

  4. I think the G20 is good, because I went to Lee's Palace last night for a friend's show and there was close to no traffic. I also watched a reporter nearly get smoked in the head by a brick, and one that got punched in the face! I also worked from home Thursday and Friday because of the G20, and all I did was smoke and play God of War.

  5. Girls like stringing guys along. They like to have options. Even if they don't want a relationship and they know you do, they will still keep you around and lead you on. The good news is, not every girl is like this. If you feel like you're putting in more than you're getting, it's time to move on. A relationship will never work if only one person is working towards it. Even if you're giving 100%, it's still only 50% of total effort.

    There are way too many girls out there to stay fixated on one. I'm not saying be a player, but you need to find a girl that deserves the effort you're putting in. If it doesn't work out, fine. Move on. No problem.

  6. It's worse on my chest. Plus I have fucking bite marks along my ribs.

    Shit got real.

    Why are the hot ones always crazy.

    I feel your pain. This girl doesn't scratch much, but she bites the shit out of me. I have bruises that last 2 weeks on my chest and arms, she gives me fat lips too. It looks like I got beat up by a group of people wielding baseball bats. Wouldn't change it for the world though.

  7. Moving downtown soon. I currently live in Pickering, but I work in Liberty Village and I'm getting tired of the Go Train. Does anyone know how the High Park area is? I'm thinking about getting an apartment in that general area.

  8. ^ repetitive. if it's in retail it's the worst possible position, you get people complaining like you personally priced every item higher than what they deem acceptable, and since you're not working the floor, not nearly as many chances to chat with cute girls who come in.

    I just realized gran turismo on the psp can take custom music. Put a few hundred random songs on, go to race on the ny track, and nyc cops from the strokes played. weeeeird.

    They ain't too smaaaarrtttt!

  9. Fucking sunburn. Went to the beach yesterday and got completely owned by the sun. I need to remember to put on sunscreen before getting drunk, because when I'm drunk I don't really give a shit.

  10. Looks like his mom just kicked him out of the house for looking all goofy. Guy has no where to go, so he's sitting on the step crying behind those glasses until his mom feels sorry for him and lets him back into the house.

  11. I feel like I should quit smoking, but I don't have a good enough reason to. I smoke maybe 3 times a day (so it's not THAT bad), and when you've worked all day and it's really nice out, it feels great to smoke while driving in your car listening to music. I'm getting back into my "being healthy" routine, so I'm eating well and exercising on a regular basis, and in this case smoking really doesn't fit in. I'll smoke my last one today, and see where it takes it.

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