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Posts posted by Phyziks

  1. ^ No, I agree with that. If you "need space", it seems pretty bad. My girlfriend and I spend almost every day together, but we both understand going out with friends and shit is also important. We don't say we "need space", we just say "Hey, I'm going to have a boys/girls night out" and it's all gravy.

  2. Dude, I'm sure she has a female friend that could drive her. Not wanting her to be alone in a car smoking weed with her ex is not being jealous or anything, that's downright reasonable. I'm sure she says she doesn't mind you hanging out with ex's, but that's bullshit. She's a girl, she's a human, she fucking cares. My guess is, she doesn't actually see it happening so it isn't an issue for her.

  3. Trying to put the Oreo tray back in the bag once you pull it out too far. Fucking thing fights tooth and nail to stay out of the bag; stop fucking around Oreo tray.

  4. Jesus Christ.

    At the beginning of the week, my girlfriend tells me we can't hang out Friday because she is going to her friend's engagement party. I say "Okay, no prob, I'm sure I can find something to do that night." I make plans to hang out with a bunch of friends, and I offer to drive, so I clearly have an obligation to them.

    Yesterday (Friday) evening, my GF tells me last minute that her plans were moved to Saturday night instead. She wants to hang out with me now, even though she knows I have plans. She tells me to ditch my friends and shit, and when I told her no, she gets all pissed and doesn't talk to me.

    To put it in perspective, I tell her "Okay, I'll ditch my friends tonight to hang out with you, if you ditch your friends tomorrow night to hang out with me." And if she was actually willing to, I would do it, but she obviously refuses and tells me I'm being a jerk.

    I don't understand why she expects me to drop all of my plans just because her plans fell through, because I know she wouldn't do it for me; case and point, she's out with her friends tonight. I would also never ask her to break obligations with her friends and ditch them to spend time with me.

    She sends me salty texts etc., and is clearly pissed. What to do internetz?

  5. So my girlfriend and I kind of had the religion talk today. I personally believe in a higher power and all, but I don't believe or follow the bible. I feel if religion can help people become better humans, than that is great, but religion has probably killed more people than it has saved.

    She is a born and raised Catholic, and she really does believe in it all very much. Today she brought up the concern that if we were to have children, they won't give religion a chance because I don't believe in it. The thing is, I would personally be passive about it and would let her do what she wanted to in terms of raising them religiously or not, and let them decide for themselves once they reach that age.

    All in all, it was kind of an awkward conversation, but she was pretty drunk so I don't think she will bring it up again in the morning. That being said, it also wont just go away and will probably be a concern in the future. I honestly have no idea how to go about this.

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