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Posts posted by Phyziks

  1. i miss the old rep system. little random notes were super fun.

    i recently reazlied that i have played my xbox36000000 more than any game system in my life.

    I think the mack air is the best comp i have ever owned.

    I am thinking about cheating on my GF with this trick i know. I texted her to chill, she said hi back, i told her i only wanted to meet to fuck, she wrote back around 11 when it was too late to smash and go home to wife.

    i am happy our troops are out of the sand box.

    i kinda hope 2012 is the end.

    i want to be rich.


    Not to be a downer, but if you feel the need to cheat on your GF, you should probably just break up with her and be single. Single guys go out and fuck random tricks; not dudes in relationships. Just put yourself in her shoes before you do anything stupid. Would you like it if she was texting some dude on the side to fuck? Be a man and do the right thing.

  2. Front-end web developer for a company in Toronto that focuses mainly on investor relations websites. We do Nike, Loblaw, Ryder, Aeroplan, and tons of mining and oil sites. It's really an awesome job.

    Edit: just noticed my capitalized letters are being forced to lowercase. I fucking hate that shit.

    html, body {

    color: #444444;

    text-transform: lowercase;



  3. I would agree with exercise, even though lately I've been smoking weed and then eating tons of candy and passing out. It's been fun, but I need to stop for awhile to get my motivation for the gym back up.

  4. Kinda stoked to actually be posting in here in a way... So I'm dating this girl and she's amazing in a ton of ways, and I think I understand her and other women pretty well by now, but this one has me genuinely confused. She's told me a few times that she isn't interested in participating in a lot of my family or friend events, mainly the ones that "seem boring". She's told me a few times, and we also joked about it with her Mom the...

    Tell her to suck your dick in a handstand.

  5. Do the same shit. Don't put all your eggs in the same basket. If she knows you're out dancing with other girls and have options, maybe she'll realize she needs to take the extra step to lock you down to herself. If she doesn't care if you're out with other girls, then perhaps she isn't ready to settle down with you again.

    Overall, just do your thing and don't make her a priority until she makes you her priority. Ball is in her court.

  6. I don't even get being friends with ex's. Life isn't a sitcom, and it's nearly impossible going from a serious long-term relationship back to an ACTUAL friendship.

    Although you've been there for each other for so long, there is no possible way this person can be a better friend to you than the friends you already have. The best part is, you weren't fucking your other friends, and there's was no emotional attachment there. Why have a friend that could keep you feeling down and shit?

    I guess the exception is if you all met in a mutual group of friends. In this case, it's best to try and be civil with each other at the very least. Thankfully that has never been an issue for me.

  7. So I was going through my hotmail account (which I basically never use anymore) to see if I got a Diablo 3 beta invite (I didn't).

    During this, I noticed I had a folder set up with emails from my ex from 3 or more years back. Reading through them, it's quite funny how bad the tunnel vision is when you're in the actual relationship. I read a few of them, and it kind of brought back some memories, but absolutely no feeling or emotion towards her. I almost feel like it never happened, and we were together for about 3 years.

    I have a new girlfriend now, and we've been together for a year. I guess the point of this, is that shit does get better after a breakup, and the person you cared so much about becomes nothing but a vague memory (especially if you break off all contact). It's hard thinking about that when you're actually in the relationship, and it's kind of weird now that I look back on it.

  8. Don't be friends with them. I saw this somewhere else, but an ex-girlfriend saying "We can still be friends" is like your mom getting your dog put down, and saying "It's okay, we can still keep it".

    You have friends to hang out with that are NOT her. It's best to just completely move on from this if at all possible. Keeping her around will severely prolong getting over her, and will honestly make you feel 20x worse.

  9. Question and thoughts:

    If a girl wants to take a break under false pretenses and it later comes to light that she had a thing for someone else for sometime which she acts on after she makes the break, do you think it's the same mindset as cheating? Is the crime still the same because she basically lied to avoid being a "cheater?"

    Taking a break in my personal opinion should be used to reflect on the relationship, to figure out how to improve yourself, and how your sig. other can improve themself to make it work out. This isn't a open invitation to act upon feelings you may have towards someone else. You do that kind of shit when you're not in a relationship at all. Have the balls to break up with the person if you plan on being selfish and exploring other opportunity.

  10. Look at Ronny D and Sammy Snooks from the shores of Jersey. Breaking up and getting back together like they get paid to do it (probz do). Clearly their relationshit (pun fully intended *high five*), is a train wreck.

    In all seriousness though, if it does happen often, you guys do not argue well together, and it needs to be worked on. In many cases of break-up/make-up, the breaking up part happens during an argument, both sides become emotional and irrational, and you get to the point where you really jump the shark and blurt out the words "We're over".

    After the first time something like that happens, you both really need to sit down and make a plan for the next argument. As hard as it is to follow the plan, giving each other a day to cool off before things get escalated too far can save a relationship.

    If the breakups are happening while in a completely normal and logical state of mind, then getting back together usually happens because you both don't want to see each other with another person, and not necessarily because you love each other and want to work it out.

    Also, never get back with a cheater. I believe in forgiveness in general, but that's possibly the most dis-loyal thing you can do to someone, and there's no coming back from it in my books.

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