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Posts posted by sistersuzie

  1. Why do you look so sad???


    My days lately aren't really good. I don't know what's up with me but I always feel slightly depressed. It's getting very annoying. Hopefully things will get better!

    I came back home and I'm gonna go spend the evening on a sail boat.

    Sistersuzie does not enjoy getting yelled at on the phone by crazy people. Get dem loonies!


    Chinky eyes

    Sistersuzie beanie

    Number (N)ine

    Buzz Rickson L-2B

    Skull watch

    Dior Hommo


    You got it all. But that pic made me smile ;) (no homo)

  2. This day isn't really started and it already sucks.

    I was supposed to see my friend but now she can't.

    It's so hot outside and its not even noon, im sweating just being in undies checking stuff on the computer.

    And I feel like I'm always bothering my bf. Not that he makes me feel that way. I let him know when something doesnt make me feel good and stuff like that, but I feel annoying. It doesn't happen that often, but I feel bad being the one telling him "well i don't like that", it rarely happens that he does it to me, ask me to change stuff and everything...

  3. I'm already tired of living in Montreal and I haven't been here for a year yet. Although I wouldn't know where to move... I don't want to move back to where I've been before, but I don't know where else I should go.

  4. It's Nico, the german model/ singer/ musician/ actress. I think that picture is actually a shot from a video filmed by Andy Warhol. I have some kind of fascination/ obsession for Nico, I found her and her work really inspiring, even though I don't agree with everything she did in her life.

  5. mass, any advice? haha

    I don't really like my job, I keep it because it's good money. I'm going back to school and that makes me anxious about money and everything, I don't wanna have to switch to a minimum wage job...

    I had four days off in row this weekend and it wasn't enough it seems.

    What's the worse is that I feel like it's affecting negatively a lot, if not all, the aspects of my life

  6. not having internet sucks. im too stubborn to pay for INternet, it should be free, like some boring tv channels. I mean, yo internet is the future maaaan

    and its weird, I feel so tired these days, but not like because of a lack of sleep, more like a state of mind. I also feel like I'm less inspired, I want to make stuff, I think about it a lot, I'm excited to leave work because I can't wait to get home to create, and when I finally get home, aside from taking care of the place, the only thing I can do is just sit and smoke a joint, watch movies, or walkm but nothing that ask me too much intellectual or physical work. it sucks. I think I need vacations...

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