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Posts posted by sistersuzie

  1. or

    i could go the bonnie prince billy way

    and wear severely small shirts

    on my massive frame

    accentuating my pointy goon nipples.


    jeeps nipples are at a height above my head.

    which intimidates me.

    that's because you have to worship what's higher than you, son!

  2. I'm moving in my new apt in a few days but I already have some stuff there yet. I went there twice at night and the first time the guy living under my apt came knocking at my door yelling that I woke him up but I was only chilling in my living room not even listening to music or talking loud. Yesterday I was there too drinking with friends looking at stuff on the computer and knitting so we were very quiet and then he starts banging on the ceiling yelling me to shut the fuck up and shit like that.

    I was so pissed I called the landlord and the guy is gonna come knock at my door within a week to apologize for his stupid actions.

  3. As you guys seemed to like the beanies I made the past fall, I decided to start making some again. And since the summer is only getting closer, I thought about making summer hats. The yarn I use is really thin and I'm using way bigger needles so the knots are big. It's really light and there's a lot of room for your head to breath.

    The model is different than the regular ones I was making before. The bottom is rolled.

    I just finished making the first one, but I didn't take a picture yet. I'm gonna post one tomorrow or Friday the latest.

    I wanted to know if anybody could be interested by getting one of these or something else?

  4. Toronto raped me but I loved it.

    I want more!<3

    I gotta admit, you Toronto folk are crazy hospitable. Gonna wake the fuck up in a few hours and start prepping for some work. UGH I don't want to carry bags of equipment.

    Corny white chicks for days…there were rare occurences of cute asian girls but they were with douchebags. Nothing y'all never heard/seen before.

    Gfunk doing it big with 3am chinese food.

    Those girls were entertaining, bay bay.

    And you crazy asian guys dance like mad men

  5. verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry true and also veryyyyyyyy sad. If it didn't have the supreme logo on it they wouldnt buy it anyway. I would just feel weird wearing a band tee that I know nothing about.

    I totally agree with you guys. And it's the same thing going on with Black Flag. There are BF shirts everywhere, I went in a very sketchy mall, and in the very sketchy skateshop there was a lot of Black Flag t-shirts, and I see them all around.

    That sucks that bands/ things become kindda "trendy" when in fact they should be at the opposite, in a way, you know?

  6. No Sunday shit show probably too exhausted and shit though I'll should be in full work mode by Monday considering how much Montreal is cutting into my TO time.

    (I'm staying in North York. Where, I don't know. With some azn family members. In the basement. Probably no wi-fi. Will smell like mothballs.)

    Oh, you don't wanna get drunk anymore on Sunday? Or meeting or whatever. Will I really have to wait 'til you're in Montreal to see you? Will you really break my heart like this?


  7. I'm super excited: I'm going to Toronto this weekend

    I'm moving to my OWN place on the first of June, no more roommates, yay!

    I want to buy and make so much.

    But I really wanna get a glass coffee table.

    Or maybe black glass coffee table.

  8. Tips for bagging white broads.

    1) Take them to a classy joint like Panera, pay for her soup and tell her to get a salad, just not bread or anything with carbs in it. Make out in the car afterwards.


    let her eat carbs and tell her she deserves it because at least she's not as fat as her best friend. Get your dick stroked in the car afterwards.

    2) Buy her a leather handbag, get sloppy appreciative head afterwards.

    Buy her a leather handbag that's more expensive than her best friend's, get more sloppy appreciative head and half a rim job depending on how white trash she is.

    3) Buy her something from Tiffany's and get laid afterwards.

    Buy her something from Tiffany's and give it to her in front of her friends, put in her ass afterwards.

    Oh wow, you just perfectly described all the things that would make me kill for a man! You seem so romantic, so passionate...

    a/s/l plz?


  9. PHOTOS????


    p.s.: I'm the smaller one.

    p.p.s.: I might not be everyone's type, but I have some beauty in me that deserved to be found.

    p.p.p.s.: I should have posted in the marijuana thread

  10. Beanie extravaganza!

    p.s. TO folks jump to meetups like sharks who smell blood. SHIT IS SERIOUS BUSINESSSSSS

    Does he still live in Montreal? I need to maximize my time in Montreal and get him if I can as welllllll.

    What members did you talk to so far? If I know anyone else I'll tell you!

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