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Posts posted by sistersuzie

  1. Probably what happened to my little bro;

    My whole family were at this bbq with some family friends. The most annoying ADD kids i've ever come across. I was only about 10 at the time. My mum and I went off in the car I think to pick another one of my brothers up and bring him back to the house.

    We came back to screaming and shouting, so we asked what was wrong.

    Apparently the other family's kids had tied my brother to their bunk bed (playing some stupid ass game) and were "holding him hostage" with a slingshot. In the slingshot was a 50p coin (for those who don't know its big and has rigid edges). So anyway his hand must have slipped and the coin went straight into my brothers eye, ripping his cornea open.

    So I walk into the room where they all are and my brother's screaming like mad. He looks at me and one of his eyes is just dripping with blood. Scary as hell.

    Anyway, we go to the hospital and i guess the worst part was just waiting to see if he was going to be blind in one eye or not : / (he wasn't)

    Pretty traumatic at age 10 haha.

    Woooh that made me think of something. A few years ago (I think it's something like 8 years ago actually haha). My father was working in the garage and he had to go in the house (that isn't attached to the garage). So he told my brothers to not touch anything that he would be back soon. They were like 7yo and 11yo at the time. The older one decided to swing a 10lbs hammer thing, he told the younger one to not go behing him, but you know what happens when you ask something to kids... The older one swang the hammer as the younger was walking behind him, he was knocked 1/2 inch next to his eye. So my older brother came inside the house with my little brother in his arms, half conscious, bleeding like a mother fucker. He didn't cry 'til he noticed all the blood on his jacket. He had 7 stitches and was really lucky to not lose his eye.

    wow. old lady shitting.

    tell us more.

    I was about 15 or 16 when it happens I think. So I wasn't really traumatized, but it's pretty sad and fucked up to see.

    There's not that much to add, aside from the fact that when she "finished", she started yelling "I shitted my pants, I shitted my pants!"

    The poor lady didn't have all of her brains

  2. I was sitting there, in my room, drinking some orange juice when that old lady started walking around, yelling /crying "Come back (someone's name), come backk! Oh no, he's gone. They won't have me!". Then she pulled down her panties and started shitting.

    hardcore man

  3. I had to call the police because of my downstair neighbor Saturday night. Which sucks in a way, but I'm happy it's done, he should be a lot more nicer now. He had been pissing me off a lot since I moved and when he started yelling "If I go upstairs I'm gonna unscrew your head, fucking bitch!", I kindda had enough.

    There's a bunch of latinos living in the block next to me. They like to listen to Shakira and Kenny Rogers when they party. They also seem to enjoy yelling at me dirty things in Spanish from time to time.

    Have you noticed that now there is no regular size anymore or so in food? I mean I was looking at the chocolate bars the other day and everything was like double size, giant, two for one, one more, bigger than ever, etc. It seems that there's a kind of conspiracy for people to get fat. Unhealthy food is like crack for white people hahaha

  4. But you know what looked even greater? You with my red jeans on. Where are the pics? haha

    Oh and for the record, I'M working overtime for a week, at least ;)

    Those repettos look great on you. Can't believe you impulse bought that like it wasn't a thang…shit like that makes me nervous.
  5. Salvia is cool, but like once in a while.

    I like doing it to in a kindda nostalgic way, but it's not something really addictive.

    I like the voice I have/ I think I have on salvia.

  6. I just noticed that so far the only things I have in my fridge are: beer, gin, cranberry juice and sprite.

    Oh and a frozen diner to eat with chopsticks.

    I'm off, gonna enjoy the first items haha

  7. this is what you'll be doing for a while right?

    im not planning on purchasing around this time but in a month or two will you still offer your services?

    (im planning my hats for the upcoming autumn / winter season)

    yeah that's something new I made, but like I said, I can also make some of the older models and other requests

    And I also suggest you like two or three weeks before the time you want it.

    so you'll have it at the right time :)

  8. You can make it in light grey, right ?

    Of course, the color you want.

    do you do customized ones also?


    wondering if you could do this kinda but slouchy ala snow white / dwarves

    and knit peasent-status hats.


    I could do something like that. A bit more work but not that bad. Do you want all the waves like that?

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