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Posts posted by sistersuzie

  1. You should listen to him^ How long have you guys been together?


    car, closet, grandma's house-there are always opportunities to cash in the cherry.

    what if you get run over by a bus today? it's not that precious. stop waiting and start fucking.

  2. Thanks guys!

    But it's a woman shirt! I tuck it in because the hips are too wide for me, so it wouldn't fit a man at all.

    The stripes are actually a weird kindda grey mixed with some turquoise, vert-de-gris, I don't know.

  3. Well I told him in the begining, I know that he loves me, I guess that it's just the way I feel about some things... I'm dealing with it and I don't tell it to him 'cause he can't do anything about it, it's just me. So I'm still pretty confident. So I dont let him know anymore

    Before I wasn't able to really get attached to someone, I was too afraid of being hurt and I'd leave the guy when it was becoming ''serious''.

    I think I just have a lack of trust in human kind that makes me feel like everything (everybody) is rotten, or almost. you know? I've seen people bullshitting so well that I can't help but doubt a lot of people's intentions...

    suz, youve gotta get over that shit. seriously. my last girlfriend was sort of the same way. i cant speak for other guys necessarily but i like seeing confidence in women as much as i they want to see it in me. insecurity is a big turn off for me, and part of why i had to eventually leave that girl. she was always worrying, neurotic, thought i was going to leave her even when everything was peachy, and so.... i did eventually

    please try to heed this advice:o its jus'cause ilu

    ^see above^^

    i dont know man

  4. Word? I think that is just the chemistry of you and dude together. Take attachment out of the equation and I think both of you would react differently to other people, with the chance of hitting it off better even. Sorry to say, but guys especially. You just pick your battles on different days, and frankly, it's easier to stay in most of the time and live with what you've got, so most people do.

    I'm not sure exactly of what you mean.. although, that problem comes from me. I am the one feeling like that, it's not him that makes me feel that way. it's just that hearing him speaks sometimes and reading some stuff in the past makes me feel "not okay".

  5. I really hate people who take every piece of media information or tv "content" as the truth. They'll watch the news and swallow everything that's said and after if you try to have a conversation with them, all they can do is puke all over the bullshit they heard. And it's not even that I watch news so often, it pisses me off too much to see and hear all the crap that's being said.

    Probably the same kind of people who like what's cool on tv, in gossip magazines

  6. 2756227266_5746118b60_o.jpg



    Cell pics I took at that kindda asian store (in a really non-asian area, so it gives you an idea of the shop). All those jesus clocks/ things were flashing, it was really hallucinating. And those lamps... I think they're the ones Michael Jackson had in his Neverland domain...

  7. Well in Montreal, in college to become a jeweler...

    I've been in History before but I didn't know what to do in University after, so I took a year off. The year is almost over, I'd really like to become a jeweler, but I feel like there are so many things I'd like to do/ see before going back to school to be broke for a few years...

    just saw that you're in MTL... I was supposed to go to Cégep du vieux...

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