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Posts posted by Appleseed

  1. Think End is officially in the doghouse. Everyone has launched, and they've pulled all listings / countdown from the site lol.


    Wish more retailers were stocking the -J40, pricing not so competitive...




    ^snagged from End once they re-listed. The garbadine material should be a nice switch.

  2. anyone here drive a porsche? Of the aircooled variety?


    I guess I get left out of the club :/ '86 951 here. Chipped, straight pipe, fun in the curves. Have always lusted after the 993 Turbos, but given all the relative appreciation, it'll be a while before I can afford one of those- Crazy how much prices have moved in just the last 1-2 years....

  3. ^ Ouch! I've been carrying mine regularly for 4+ years - have a small pin-prick sized hole in that loc., which was caused by something other than the laptop. Suppose its lucky mine hasn't failed like that-

  4. That acr sweat looks like errolson figured that if stahl is going to stay in development hell forever, acr might as well revisit their living mutants shield sweat. Nice.


    C1-BR is based on an old model (from 04/05?), but I know what you're saying. I so wish Stahl would congeal into something purchasable....

  5. Most random in a while; had a serious round table discussion with wEstSidE and Defari as to what one does with does with coffee brew leftovers. Like some serious This Old House shit. I have no idea. Defari kept talking about how old grounds go to waste at Canter's deli. I think I woke up laughing.

  6. Just noticed that the XS Component Shirt (blk.) went from Expected This Month to Out of Stock. Anyone know if they actually came in? I've been checking pretty regularly; bummer if I missed them.

  7. Have been living in this seasons P10s for the past week. Top my Veilance Stealth pants as all-time favorites - but def. have me missing the logo details like the printed waistband tape and:



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