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aho last won the day on October 30 2024

aho had the most liked content!


678647 if only we could all be as popular as this person

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  1. Turns out I need to have a kid to have a chance at winning this contest!
  2. It's tough...You love to see a great niche mom and pop brand get the recognition but also, get off my lawn bandwagoners I liked them first (for at least the last 16 years I might add) 😂
  3. Looks like the new pair will be made of the XX4 denim (and standard pocket fabric) based on the latest Standard and Strange newsletter...Looking forward to getting my pair since I missed out on the XX4 "Dull" fabric last year, and it'll be nice sizing up to a roomy 40.
  4. Fast faders, but also keep in mind fit; These are my dedicated pair, but since I upsized them I'm not getting as much wear and sharp creasing, but at the same time I know the crotch won't blow out. Anyways, we're all in it for the long haul, you still have time!
  5. Friends, break out the NEW STANDARDs, we're stacking again 🫡 https://www.instagram.com/p/DG5YrZHyBpc/
  6. @Talan for HK, seek no further than Take 5: https://take5hk.com Workware is also interesting for their own in-house items: https://www.workwarehk.com
  7. @julian-wolf feel free to slow down for the rest of us 😂
  8. Wish I had an exact date, but not sure! Model number is "0125" though (ie: "SOA03XXD-0125"), so my guess is relatively soon if not in the next couple months?
  9. Anyone else following Omoto? https://www.instagram.com/omotodenim_japan/ https://omotodenim.jp/?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaaJntzScG05vQAAM_i3CCXALOnbD-qn18a3dvDNfLkaCc0-rjbQAIih2WQ_aem_XEAGw4sldtAl0YZx4RJuXw
  10. https://www.instagram.com/p/DGcgz2nTTCl/ New 03 run coming to S&S 🫣 Looks like I can finally snag a pair
  11. Just about one month in and the fades are already looking good (I'm guessing for all of us) 🙏
  12. Kind of happy about this to be honest...Will be nice to see some absolutely shredded out and faded jeans after 18 months for a true long wear look! And also gives us time to wear other jeans if temptation calls 😆
  13. Another one! Ryo vs Hiro’s pair, I’ll definitely be wearing these on #WOMCON off days, looking forward to the release, though honestly I’ve never tried the single back pocket style so it’ll be an interesting adjustment
  14. Amoskeag fabric progress lifted off their IG story
  15. With the purchase by YETI, Mystery Ranch is said to be phased out by EOY unfortunately, though the government contracted stuff will continue on under the same name
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