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Posts posted by MharcI

  1. I think it's probably that, there was this one "shift leader" who I never got along with. I never blatantly said anything to her, but there was always tension. I think shes just pissed off that shes a fat, former alcoholic, now bible preaching Spanish trash (no offense) who at 27 is going no further in life than this place, and already has like 3 kids by different guys...

    I also know for a fact she is an illegal citizen, and I could easily get her fucked over by the government. But I wont do that, cause i'm not a piece of shit like her.

    But thanks for the kind words.

  2. I just lost my job.

    Completely unprecedented. Ive been working there for around 8 months, have been a model employee. Never late, never called in sick, always came in early if they asked, always covered shifts, customers loved me (it's a coffee shop) myself and the managers always got along...

    I wake up this morning, I see I have a message from my main manager, he says that I shouldn't come in today, nor again, apparently "they have no more hours" for me. Which I know is utter and complete horseshit, they're actually low on employees, and there are always problems because of that.

    This couldnt have come at a worse time, honestly. Just met a great new girl i've been seeing, now i'm going to be broke as fuck, summers coming...

    And it's going to be impossible for a college student to find part time work round this time.

    Seriously do not understand how when I think my life is going so well, shit comes crashing down.

    Insult to injury, at the end of the message my manager told me to call the owner if I had any questions. I did, cocksucker didn't pick up. I'd at least like to know the reason i'm being axed...?

  3. Many posters will agree with me in this question: Have you considered the possibility that your issue inversely lies with under-consumption of Marijuana?

    That's a silly way to look at it.

    If anything, it's over consumption, granted, yes, back in the day when I smoked everyday my mind probably would not have run rampant with these thoughts. Since I rarely, if ever smoke nowadays, you can attribute it to under consumption. It's a two way road.

    It's not like smoking weed is as common as say drinking water, so therefore I think the under consumption idea doesn't work out, it's not exactly "normal" to smoke.

  4. Found a great girl over spring break, we spent a lot of time together (almost every day.) We talked about it, and decided that "we're in a relationship" two days ago.

    Last night I got high as fuck with her, and i'm not a huge smoker anymore. In any case, I mentally fucked myself over, should never have smoked. Started to think we were spending too much time together for the beginning of a relationship, that it's just going to cause things to fizzle out and die really quickly cause we didnt pace ourselves.

    The thing is, starting Monday when school is back on, we'll only be able to see each other 1 - 3 times a week at most. So I think it'll be fine.

    I hope i'm not bugging out.

    Presented my troubles to my friend, he simply said "don't smoke weed." I like his advice.

    Rambling post, but i'll conclude by trying to form a discussion on what people consider is moving too fast in a relationship...?

  5. Ugh, don't fucking remind me.

    I actually booked a reservation for a 5 course dinner tonight in Shanghai, for myself, because they have a promotion tonight and only tonight. Original price $50, tonight's price $25, for 5 courses. How could I refuse? Last chance for proppa Western food for a bit, probably.

    It's gonna be a fucking awkward bitch though.

    Hahaha its actually really nice once you get over your insecurities and awkwardness about it.

  6. I'm such an idiot.

    So I went into the movie theater to buy tickets, the movie wasnt starting for an hour, but me and my friends wanted to make sure wed get in.

    Anyway, the girl working the counter was a girl I hadnt seen in awhile, who i used to be pretty good friends with, and whose sister i used to CRUSH on hard, and her sister liked me as well. me and her sister did hang out a couple of times, it was cool, but somehow it just kinda fizzled and ended in nothing, a couple of weeks ago this sister randomly messaged me on facebook and we talked, i had to go but before i did i left her my number and told her if she wants to hang to give me a call, and signed off before she could reply.

    anyway, so i leave after chatting with her for a couple of minutes, whatever. me and my friends go and smoke some weed before the movie. i dont really smoke weed, but do it once in awhile., and i hate being in public whilst high, but i was like whatever, its a movie. i hadnt smoked in two months, and suffice to say i was straight ZOOOOTED.

    anyway, we go back to the theater, walk in as usual, my friend at the counter calls me over and then shes like, look behind you! i turn around, and her sister is there.

    a)she genuinely startled me

    B) i was stoned off my fucking gourd

    so naturally things were fucking weird and awkward, i mumbled a coupla weird sentences then stupidly took out my phone looked at the time and said, "my movies starting i gotta go!"

    i walk into the movie, sit by my one friend who knows the whole situation and he was like, "yo bro you're an idiot, her sister obviously called her to come down here because she knew you would be back, you had such an easy chance etc etc"

    which i completely agreed with, so i was like fuck it, ima go buy a drink and ask her to come out for a smoke with me in the process. needless to say, i go back out and just straight up kind of ignored her/she was talking to somebody.

    so yeah, i had such a clear opportunity but kind of blew it, and probably look really strange now.

    i was thinking it kind of could work in my favor, because she might look at it like i was just ignoring her, and being an asshole, so i could call her and it would still be cool, but i dont think the asshole card would work since i was definitely noticeably high/reeking of weed.

    or... i could simply come out and say i was stupidly high for the first time in months and acted weird.

    it just sucks cause i really did like this girl, and she really liked me...i figure this is like the final death gasp in trying to make something work between us, and if it doesn't then thats it. so i should try to make it...good haha.

    so yeah, opinions, advice on how i should proceed?

  7. People with iPhones who think they're the kings of cool cuz of it, so sick of people just holding it in their hands, or lap for no reason, all the while casting knowing,judging glances at everyone else.

    * I have one aswell, but don't brandish it around as a weapon of cool. As much as I love the thing, these people make me hate it.

    I'm prolly overthinkin things*

  8. Is anyone here a bike messenger, or was at one point, or even know anything about it?

    contemplating getting a bike messenger gig in the city for the summer. i really have no experience though, save for enjoying bike riding...?

  9. Another thing I do, when i'm on the bus/train whatever, I stare at people who are sleeping/have their eyes closed, and telepathically try to let them know i'm staring at them and wake up. It never works, but it's fun to try.

  10. but doesnt it smell?

    Usually the loud ones never do, and even if they do, the cigarette/pot etc smoke in the air, plus peoples drunkenness usually combats it.

    I mean, I usually know if ones gonna smell, and if it where it will be smelled I don't do it, otherwise i'm game.

  11. Whenever i'm at a party, or wherever and there is loud music playing, and I know nobody will hear me if I fart I do it. It's great when you're standing there talking to someone and you can just riiiiiiiip one. It creates inner hilarity.

    It's also good if the person you're talking to is trying to tell you (what they think) is a humorous anecdote, this way when you genuinely smile cause of what you did, they think it's because of what they're saying.

    Win win.

  12. I have someone on the inside with her that can vouch for me. She's decent looking but a devout Christian (strangely enough) and I still have yet to meet her; so I'm being honest when I say that currently I'm only interested in her a source of vocals.

    the devout Christianity may be too blame for the overly sincere trust/craziness

  13. heartbreak and loneliness obviously

    Not exactly this, but extreme confusion, I hate women who play games. This is a bit long winded, but I want to get it off my chest anyway.

    We hung out that one night, all was cool, I called her a couple of days later and we arranged plans for the coming Friday, which is...today (pretty much my only free day, go to school mon - thurs then work all day sat and sun)

    She did mention that she had an appointment on friday (with her therapist no less) but wasnt sure what time, but would let me know before friday. she texts me thursday and tells me her appointment is at 5 30 in the evening. im in new york, and it had already started snowing, and i realized us hanging out would probably not happen due to the weather, but i attempted anyway saying we could still try to make something happen, wtvr.

    she never replies.

    i get a text from her today, around 5 oclock, "this weather doesnt seem to like us much"

    at this point i think, fuck this girl, not even going to bother replying

    a little while later she texts again "hey you, snowcheck on tonight. maybe? seems a little logistically difficult... : /"

    so im like, alright whatever ill play along and send her

    "heh it seems so, but yeah for sure, we'll figure something out"

    then a couple of minutes later

    "just realized i dont have to be at work till 5 on sunday, you got plans for the afternoon?"

    to which she replies

    Hmm...seeing you, maybe?


    definitely not replying to that.

    also, after i sent her those two texts, an hour went by and she didnt reply, though she posted on a facebook status i made 7 minutes after i put it up, then the last text came after.

    im probably over analyzing everything too much, and should just let shit play itself out. girls who play games just annoy me to no end.

    you like me, i like you, alright cool.

    you dont like me, make it fucking obvious you dont want to hangout or see me.

    totally ruined my friday night plans, and now im stuck at home doing nothing

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